LA shooter turns himself in


New member
Just heard this on CNN. The guy turned himself in, in Las Vegas Nevada. Press conference will be aired at 10:30 am pacific time.
Cowardly SOB. Shoots children, then turns himself in so he won't get hurt. I'll bet the boys in the pen will have fun with him. All these arian a-holes should be hung, slowly.
I'm glad he gave up...
This guy is the poster child of system failure. He had numerous run-ins with the law. He tried to commit himself to a mental hospital last year, they kicked him out cuz he was a troublemaker and violent...he later goes and assaults someone,skipped and does this shooting.
The whole damned candy-ass fuzzy liberal system that will "protect" us blew it!!!

As long as he lives to go to trial he will be a thorn in the liberals butts!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
So they can't breed.

No flames, please, I'm just stating the anti-semitic POV. NOT mine.

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
Yes, the whole thing makes me sick--the barbarous anti-Semitism, the cowardly shooting, the media feeding frenzy, and, of course, Clinton's and Feinstein's despicable political opportunism.
What's worse is that their "despicable political opportunism" works on the general public...

Ok folks, how can we use this to highlight the failure of the systems already in place ? it's our turn to stick it to 'em if we can.

As many have already pointed out, this guy was a poster child for these people. This was exactly the kind of person all these programs were supposed to help and protect the public from, and these programs didn't simply fail, they catastrophically failed.

When a manufacturers product catastrophically fails and kills or maims someone, they get the bejeezus sued out of them, and sometimes worse. How can we use this to prove this "product" of gun control the liberals and elite have foisted upon us is dangerous and should be recalled?

Lets get constructive with this!
Can this guy get life in prison? He hasnt killed anyone which in most cases attempted murder in CA is probably 6 months in jail (not really but the CA justice system is really screwed up) but because it could be considered a hate crime is there any way he could get life without parolle?

Do you think the weapons charges will be dropped for a guilty plea?
He already had one felony assault conviction. With the multiple victims Wednesday, would he come under the "three strikes" law?

BTW, there was a murder of a postal employee in the same area on Tuesday. They think he did that one.
From a Reuters news article.

``Sometimes I feel like I could just lose it and kill people,'' Furrow told a King County sheriff's deputy after his arrest last year. He told hospital staff members he had
been feeling suicidal and thought of shooting people at a mall.

So was it the guns or the damn system that failed and allowed this guy to run loose and kill people. Hope Feinstein sees this quote from the guy and chokes on it!
The kicker is that the NEWS said he was using an AR15. They went on to explain that this firearm had been banned and how the evil manufacturers got around the law by removing the bayonet lug and flash suppressor.
I can see it now. Perp goes back to mental hospital because they made a mistake and we get the end of the stick that was stirred around in the mess!
Hank L
Okay, now that makes a THIRD weapon report. I've heard: (1) "Sub Machine Gun"

2) Uzi-type "assault rifle" (Carbine?)

3) AR-15, now.

Reports of contents of the van are varied, too. Seems like "smoke grenades" are being called "weapons".

Gore's gearing this one up.

My governor, hopefully (?) your next president, is saying he is behind banning some assault weapons and... (NON-ISSUE!) "cop-killer bullets" !!?!?!! What?!
He's behind checking all for firearms ownership!? This guy's a Republican?!? Oh, yeah; MODERATE Republican. Sigh.

And there you are, Ladies and Gentlemen: you've witnessed it with your own eyes--- Even Long Path gets dragged into politicizing what is an atrocious, monstrous, filthy, cowardly act of barbarous crime by one man, and nothing more. Certainly nothing less!

I am pleased, if that's the word, to see him arrested. I will be further pleased to see him stand trial, and punished. I think part of what's gotten so many worked up has been the inability to direct their attentions and anger and blame at the person responsible for the action. Now, that person will go to prision.

Let's quit being divisive where we can agree that: Killing children is bad! People who kill children are bad! We can span that tiny gulf with the anti's, can't we!!!

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited August 11, 1999).]
Thank God these wackos don't know how to shoot! If one of these nutballs gets loose and is a real shooter, Oh my.

Guys at my club that shoot comp pistol would have had all targets down faster than you can blink an eye. Fortunately they are part of the safe, responsible shooting sports crowd.

Having said that maybe we can get A PUBLIC HANGING ON THE EVENING NEWS. with a sign around the guys neck "this is what happens to people who shoot innocent children"

Im in a particularly contrary mood tonight, however,the most useless thing you can do appears to be to write your leglislator.

Talk about an exercise in futility!!!

Better days to be,

Guys, it sucks to write and be dismissed. But if you don't write, you'll not only be dismissed, your voice will not even be noted, and the others' voices will be. My good friend Stephen Camp, often on this board, is one of Those Who Choose To Stand In the Gap, and is un-freaking-believable in his tireless appeals to WRITE YOUR LEGISLATOR!

He's right, of course. Every time I hear one of the Anti-Gunners complain about the strength of the NRA, I smile and say, "It's because we care enough about this issue to vote, be heard, and be single-issue voters on it."

If only 1 in 10 hears you, and only 1 in 20 fights for you, that's more than you'll get otherwise.


"Dear Honored Sir,

I write to you today to implore that you support a bill through committed that I call the "Public Hangings... For the Children" Bill....

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?
First, Furrow has no honor. A coward like that should at least kill himself. Well, if Bubba likes his new cellmate, that will be some consolation.

Second, I agree with Long Path in writing your legislator. Mine is Feinswine and Boxer. Both committed anti-gunners. If nothing else, it lets them know there is some opposition out there.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
These incidents are for the most part "political statements", aren't they? If its not blacks or jews, its kids or old folks.

Let's be serious. This guy is alledgedly from Washington state. Heck Washington has some fairly large cities there too...Seattle and Tacoma for example. So why did he travel all the way to sunny southern California, home of HOLLYWOOD and media central for God's sake? Are you all so convinced that a nutbag jew hater needed to travel several hundred miles to find a jewish community center??? or even a temple for pete's sake??

And what about the "ammunition" found in the dirtbag's newly purchased van. What they showed was military ammo boxes filled with .223, 9mm, and .308 (they said this stuff is what is used in "AK-47's"), but the "gunman" carried an "Uzi" into the community center? C'mon. At least the TFL members saw through that one.

Seriously, this would be like saying that Timothy McVeigh blew up the Murrah Federal Building all by himself (he and his "militia" buddy). C'mon! Or that Lee Harvey Oswald shot John F. Kennedy. C'mon! These people (including Bubba) were expendable assets of some dark secret, not the lone terrorists they have been made out to be.

Wake up folks!

We are now seeing an unprecedented amount of politically motivated propaganda spill from the bowels of the leftist controlled media. You should be completely convinced that all of these news clips have been pre-prepared for insertion in the nightly news for more drama, and for more emotional enragement.

I define these incidents as nothing more than "IMPATIENCE" on the part of those who have their "Red" hands on the locked doors to our Constitution. America just isn't turning fast enough for them, so they're helping push socialism (a nice word for communism) at a rapid pace.