LA: FLASH! Judge over turns Gun Show Ruling


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Filed: 11:45 am 10/15/99

Federal Judge over turns Controversial Gun Show Ban
(Great Western to hold show next weekend)

A Federal Judge has just over turned a ruling by the LA County Commissioners
that will allow the Great Western Gun Show to take place in Pomona CA on Oct

Attorneys for the Guns Shows said the ruling by the LA Commissioners
violated the signed contract to hold the shows on the County Fair Complex.

Federal Judge Richard Piez made the decision today, that reverses a
well-publicized action by local lawmakers here due to the current anti-gun

That has been no comment from the LA County Commissioners.

Repeating again...

The Great Western Gun Show will take place October 22, 1999 in LA county -
per Federal Judge Richard Piez - as heard on KFI AM 640 News Radio at 11:30
Pacific Time. More news as this breaking story develops.

Reporting from Los Angeles,

J.J. Johnson

Joe's Second Amendment Message Board

[This message has been edited by nralife (edited October 15, 1999).] all they have to do is arrest Zev Yarovslosky for being the Communist that he is.

Many thanks Joe!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I know I must look silly here at work, grinnin' and spinnin' in my chair, but damn, I just love it!
HAH! Take that, losers.
:) :) :) :)


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Was it Kissinger that said something like:
"The impossible we do immediately...
The Unconstitutional takes a bit longer"?

Dear LA County Commissioners-
With all due respect, Sirs, Bite Me!

Great news here!
The NRA has even confirmed this, except it looks like the show is on the last weekend in Oct. and not on the 22nd.


A preliminary injunction has been granted in the case of Great Western
Shows, Inc., v. The County of Los Angeles, which will allow one of the
nation's largest gun shows to go on as originally scheduled during the
last weekend in October. Los Angeles County had passed an ordinance
prohibiting the sale of firearms or ammunition on County property,
including the Fairgrounds -- the site of the Great Western Show for the
past 22 years. This represents a tremendous victory for NRA, which has
financially supported this suit, as well as California's gun owners and
the operators of the show.

It appears that God answers the simplest of prayers my friends! Nothing like a little Divine intervention to wake up the liberal left! This really does chalk one up for the good guys! I am sinnin' and grinnin! as well! ;) ;)

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

..."The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." --Thomas Jefferson

... "The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are constitutional rights secure." Albert Einstein

... "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."Ronald Reagan
Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
LA Times: Judge Suspends County Gun Show Ban

Saturday, October 16, 1999 |

Courts: Ruling that a trial is needed to resolve constitutionality of the law, he permits Great Western to hold its October show at the Pomona Fairplex.

By DOUGLAS P. SHUIT, Times Staff Writer

A federal judge granted an injunction to promoters of the nation's largest gun show Friday, temporarily suspending Los Angeles County's landmark ordinance banning gun sales on fairgrounds and other county property.

U.S. District Court Judge Richard A. Paez ruled that attorneys for Great Western Shows Inc. had made enough of a legal case to justify suspending enforcement of the new law until constitutional and other issues could be resolved in a trial.

Attorneys for Great Western, which runs three or four shows a year at the Pomona Fairplex, argued during Friday's hearing that their client would have suffered irreparable financial damage if gun dealers had been prevented from selling their wares at a three-day show beginning Oct. 29.

The ruling means the gun show will have at least one more run before the legality of the county ordinance is tested in court.

At issue is the controversial law passed Aug. 25 by the Board of Supervisors on a 3-2 vote. Drafted to cover gun sales on all county property, the ordinance was specifically aimed at Great Western and the firm's giant arms bazaars. The county owns the fairgrounds and rents it to Fairplex on a long-term lease.

Going into the hearing hoping their ordinance might become a model for other government agencies that want to stop gun shows at state and county fairgrounds, county officials left the courthouse scrambling to defend the law.

"We believe the Board of Supervisors is on valid legal ground," said County Counsel Lloyd W. Pellman, who attended Friday's hearing and vowed to appeal Paez's decision.

Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, who wrote the law, said he considered the ruling a setback but not a defeat because Paez did not rule on any of the major constitutional issues.

"We're disappointed but not surprised," said Yaroslavsky, who knew going into the hearing that the county was operating on difficult legal grounds because of state and federal laws allowing gun sales. "We crafted this law as carefully as it could be crafted.

"We think we have the right to decide whether guns and ammunition will be sold on our property and whether the county will profit by the sale of guns and ammunition on our property," he said.

But opponents claimed their gun show was offered up as a sacrificial lamb in the wake of the vicious attack on the North Valley Jewish Community Center in Granada Hills. The ordinance was passed two weeks after a man identified as white supremacist Buford O. Furrow Jr. opened fire with a semiautomatic weapon, wounding five people.

Chad Seger, manager of Great Western, called the ordinance "political grandstanding."

"The ruling is absolutely considered a victory," said Seger, whose firm this year put on gun shows in May and July, and plans another at Christmastime in addition to the one later this month. "The county's ordinance is so over-broad: It bans sales of antique Civil War firearms that would never be used in a crime."

Supervisor Mike Antonovich, who voted against the ordinance, called Paez's ruling a defeat for "the 'politically correct' agenda" and added in a written statement that the entire affair is "a waste of taxpayers' dollars."

In granting the preliminary injunction, Paez avoided ruling on constitutional issues but said attorneys for Great Western had raised "substantial questions" about whether the county ordinance clashed with state law.

The state, Paez noted, "has authorized the sale of firearms at gun shows."

During the hearing, attorneys for Great Western also raised 1st Amendment questions.

Gun show attorney Michael F. Wright argued that the county ordinance was drafted in such a way that both buyers and sellers, in negotiating a gun sale, would not know when they crossed the line from legality to illegality.

Under the ordinance, gun dealers could display weapons, put prices on them, even barter with customers--in short, do just about everything except accept cash for them or fill out legal forms that begin the mandatory waiting period on gun purchases. Wright said it would just be a matter of time before an overzealous law enforcement officer overheard such a conversation and decided a sale had taken place.

Paez also questioned why, after 22 years of regular gun shows at the Pomona fairgrounds, the county wanted to shut down the shows without giving the promoters their day in court. He said he found no compelling reason to stop the upcoming show.

The judge said he will make the case a priority and hopes to have it decided before the next gun show in December.

DC, regarding Zev and his ilk's communist propensities, where's McCarthyism when you need it most? ;)

Have fun at the show, gang. :)

Don LeHue

Salad isn't food. Salad is what food eats.
If you live in the L.A. area: PLEASE ATTEND THAT GUN SHOW!!!

We KNOW that there will be pretty heavy media coverage out there, looking for slavering idiots to put on-camera. Please attend to help dispel that view!!! We need every TFLer and their friends and kin in the area to provide a show of attendence, and of sensibility.

If only I lived another 1000 miles west of here... wait-- I can't believe I almost wished I lived in California... (shudder!)

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

If you go to Pomona, take a leaf from an earlier attendee at the NRA convention in Colorado right after Columbine -- he wore a yellow Star of David with the words "Gun Owner" on it (cut it out of a margarine tub cover).

NO ONE from the press or the demonstrators would come near him. That symbol says it all, without saying a word.

If any Jewish readers here think this is trivializing the Holocost, it can also be read as a symbol of remembrance to a people who lived, briefly, under a regime where only the police and molitary had guns.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.