LA Ammo Ban ?!


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Does anyone in La La Land have any info on this? I picked it off the Dillon site.

City of Los Angeles Public Safety Committee Meeting
200 N. Main Street Room 315
Los Angeles, CA
Monday, December 6 10:00 AM
Ordinance Number 99-1581
Key provisions:
No person shall purchase, sell, give or otherwise transfer ownership of any firearm ammunition whether assembled cartridges or component parts of cartridges.
No person shall purchase, sell, give or otherwise transfer ownership of any firearm ammunition loading device.
The gun-grabbers have found a new way to take away your rights! These bureaucrats are trying to sneak around state and federal laws by denying YOU ammunition and reloading components.

First, you can't get any ammunition at all. You can't buy it, you can't borrow it and you can't make it. You'd better not have any reloading components, such as bullets, primers or powder in the City of Los Angeles, or you become one of the bad-guys. Yup, you could wind up in a jail cell with the real bad-guys because you overlooked that spent cartridge case under the sofa.

I am reminded of the hapless traveller who crossed the border into Mexico with a box of .22s and spents weeks in jail. How would the same traveller fare in Los Angeles? The thought is frightening. Sadly, an empty cartidge case that would cause a shrug of the shoulders south of the border, could send you to jail in Los Angeles. Is it possible, in the land of the free, to envy the rights of citizens in Mexico?

Finally, you can kiss your Dillon goodbye. Oh, they'll let you keep it for awhile, but it won't do much good without any reloading components. But when you run out of bullets, primers, powder and brass, don't even consider giving it to your brother in Iowa, because that would be breaking the law. I suppose you could create a new table lamp with your Dillon, because that's about all the law will let you do. On the one hand, a Dillon Lamp would be rather ugly, but on the other, it's a sure bet that they won't let you keep your Dillon around long enough for you to notice.

If this ordinance passes the "Safety Committee", it will go to the full city council for a vote. I urge you to act now, in the name of sanity, to show these bureaucrats that responsible gun owners care about their rights (especially the right to vote).

Let your voice be heard!

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Dillon Precision Products, Inc.
8009 E. Dillons Way
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
(480) 948-8009
Yep! It's true. Not only is this one FOR the children, it was actually dreamed up BY some children who then approached the city council with it.

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.
Just a thought: How much ammo does the average drive by shooting use? OK then How much ammo does the average law abiding person shoot when he/she goes to the range??
Has anyone ever heard of a shooting where the BG reloaded his own ammo????? I often go thru 200rds+ at a single range session. Of that only the first 5 and maybe one full mag are factory ammo.
They might create an unintended consequence in yet another way...folks would ambush cops for their ammo.

Talk about a measure intended to motivate us all to get more ammo! I no longer to dare dip under a case of rifle ammo per gun...preferably more with the important ones.
I believe that they are talking about transfers taking place within the city of la.
I dont think they can stop you fromsending your reloading press or components out of LA as a case could be made for the transfer taking place at the buyers location.

I am sure that LA residents would not be able to bring ammo into the city unelse they had a reciept putting the ammo in their name
prior to the enactment of the law. Not a terribally hard thing to arrange.

LA criminals will still have all the guns and ammo they want or could ever use; only
the law abiding will be affected.

This law will have zero effect on reducing
crime but will ,most likely cause crime to increase by providing a safer working envirimont for armed criminals, who will no longer have to worry so much about which victim is armed and which victim is a sheeple.