L1A1 Mystery Part


New member
The part in question is a pin 10mm long,
3mm diameter. One end comes to a point,
about 45°, the other end is flat with a
rim. The thing looks like a miniature
pistol cartridge.
I have looked at several exploded drawings
and have yet to spot it. Either it's part
of a sub-assembly, or some joker tossed a
bogus part into the box.

Self help for FALitosis:
"Ballistician heal thyself."
Can't picture it in my head but it could be the bolt-stop pin that projects from the bolt stop assembly into the magazine well?
if there are threads right after the end of the thicher side it may well be an extra bolt for the mag release/bolt hold open.
if not then perhaps one of those "extra" items that were for the ejector block.
if in doubt go to http://www.fnfal.com and ask on the discussion boards. if you had a link to post a pic it would be easier.
Does the L1A1 have....

a two piece firing pin or a one piece FP? The part is the right size to be the rear half of a 2 piece FP.