L1A1 DP Receivers


New member
Hi, all

I am interested to know, is it worth doing a re-build on an Australian L1A1 Drill Purpose receiver. Apparantly, these rifles were built on failed factory parts in particularly heat treatment. I know that sometimes what fails at factory or mil spec level may be relatively minor, so I need more info.

If I was to continue with the build what would be the most likely result if the receiver was not up to spec heat treatment wise?


heat treatment

Dear Sir:
Well, it depends on what steel was used. If it is an alloy steel - or - one of mild steel, carburized for wear and set-back resistance as the German 98s were - and it would depend on how it locked up - and where they are saying the heat treatment fault is; the upshot of this whole thing is that I would not use a reciever, or pressure bearing part that the factory had found a fault in at all.
There is no more important element in rifle recievers than the steel number and subsequent heat treatment! Stay away from the idea.
Now, if it were to be in a 98 Mauser and the defect was at the rear tang, away from the locking lugs, then that would just need drawn if too hard, or if too soft, left alone.
Harry B.

Thanks Harry,

That has pretty much confirmed what I was thinking. However I still would like to know more about the type steel used and what the problem actually was. The receiver is stamped, BB FTR.

Cheers Zeb