L&CR Forum Rules | Read First

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Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
The mission and purpose of TheFiringLine has always been that of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms by promoting Responsible Firearms Ownership.

The Challenge that Rich Lucibella has given us, has always been, "…that Internet Discussion Forums need not be 'Chat Rooms'; that spirited debate need not include personal attack; that Internet exchange need not fall to the level of lowest common denominator."

This is the vision that the old Legal & Political forum was supposed to bring about. For several years it succeeded. A complete postmortem could be given as to why L&P failed, but it is enough to say that we all failed to meet that vision.

The old L&P is still here, but archived as a sub-forum to this one. While it is completely searchable, it will remain closed to new posts.

For those of you that are new to TFL, for those of you that never paid attention to the old Legal & Political forum, this link is a discussion of why it was closed. This link contains a discussion of what we could do, to make it better, if we re-opened the forum, or something similar.

In this new endeavor, we would ask that everyone who participates in this forum to keep those first two paragraphs uppermost in your minds. To make this the premiere forum on TFL, is still the vision.

This is most certainly a purpose worthy of the effort of higher standards. Yet, raising the entrance bar is only half the solution. At the other end, we will be lowering the exit bar, as it relates to who will be allowed to post here. No Second Chances; No Argument; No Trial; No Way. At best you will receive one warning.

We have decided that the above rule must be applied ruthlessly by the L&CR mods. There will be no special banning from this forum only. A rule broken in L&CR can result in losing all your privileges from the entire board. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you devote a couple days of deep thought to whether or not you really want to post in this forum. It's just not for everybody.

Discussions in this forum will be centered upon legal issues as they relate to the 2nd Amendment and other Civil Rights. Constitutional law (which would encompass separation of powers, the impairment of contracts clause, the full faith and credit clause, etc., as well as the Bill of Rights) will also be on topic. Straight political discussions or partisan politics will be off topic. Our primary test for partisan politics in this forum is the mention of candidate's or party names. While some political discussion will necessarily crop up as an adjunct to the civil rights issue(s) of the individual thread(s), we expect that this will be a much smaller part of the discussion at hand.

A Note On Political Activism
Activism is by its very nature, a fully political beast. Reading the rules of this forum, a short-sighted person might think that because political threads are forbidden, then too, threads pertaining to activism come under that prohibition.

Such close-minded thinking couldn't be further from the truth.

This particular area of TFL is the only area where we discuss the laws of our our various States and the Nation as a whole. It is the only area where we can discuss our Liberties, Freedoms and Civil Rights, as Law may or may not affect them.

If all we can do is to enumerate and discuss these things without also discussing how we can motivate each other and become politically active to ensure our Liberties, then we fall far short of the goals of this forum.​

Many/Most of the same discussions will still be on topic to the new forum, but by changing the focus, we hope to be rid of much of the divisiveness that we have seen in the last few years.

Remember: Conspiracy threads are not welcome at TFL. This should come as no news, to anyone that has been here for any length of time. All Conspiracy Threads or Posts will be deleted on sight. No warning, no closing remarks. It will simply disappear from the board. Infractions may be given for opening such a thread, or making such a post. This will be up to the individual moderator that deletes them.

Posting invectives will not be tolerated.
Childish or immature behavior will not be tolerated.
References to Hitler; Hitlerisms; Nazis; or Nazisms will get you banned.

The indiscriminate use of invectives such as Demon-crat or Repugnican, or otherwise twisting personal or group names, necessarily embodies negative emotional content. Such content leads to emotional arguments wherein rational, logical thinking goes out the window. This is what our opposition does. We must take the High Road, at all times. Therefore, If you cannot use the proper terms/labels for what you are discussing, then don't bother posting at all. (If you're unsure whether a word is an invective or not, go ahead and use it. If your post and posting privileges disappear, then it was an invective. :D)

Having said all of this, Welcome to the Law & Civil Rights Forum.

44 AMP,
Frank Ettin,
Spats McGee,
Tom Servo,
L&CR Moderators.
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Links to Polls

Any post/Thread that links to ineffectual and useless online petitions will be closed or deleted on sight.

Instead, if you really think the topic is worth action, contact your State and Federal Congresspeople with an email, tweet or real letter. See Sandy Hook Shooting: Read First in the L&CR forum for details on how to contact your Federal Representatives and Senators.
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