L&CR Articles

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Spats McGee

The following articles have been contributed to TFL over the years. Some were created by lawyers, some by astute non-lawyers, and some were the result of collaborative efforts. Rather than clutter the forum with stickies, I've taken the liberty of collecting them here:

Overarching Legal Principles in the United States:
Spats McGee’s Federal Constitutional Primer
Spats McGee’s Primer on Civil Rights Litigation and Qualified Immunity

General Legal Principles of Self-Defense:
Civil Liability, Civil Immunity, and the Use of Force
Duty to Retreat, "Stand Your Ground", and Castle Doctrine
On the Lawful Presentation of a Firearm in a Defensive Encounter

Handloads & Reloads as Self-Defense Ammunition:
Carrying Hand-Loads for Self Defense
The Peculiar Problem of Handloads in Self-Defense Shootings
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