L.A. Times--Assault Rifles Being Altered to Skirt Law


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Gun Compliant Stocks
Monday, November 8, 1999

Assault Rifles Being Altered to Skirt Law

Weapons: Firm sells custom stock that replaces pistol grip in effort to avoid registration requirement. Lockyer, anti-gun group say change may satisfy law.

By CARL INGRAM, Times Staff Writer

SACRAMENTO--At a little gunsmith shop in a Santa Ana business and industrial complex, owner Shawn Tugwell removes the offending pistol grip from a semiautomatic rifle that California will soon outlaw as an assault weapon.

In its place, Tugwell screws on a substitute grip of a high-strength plastic molded to conform to the gun's original stock.

Behold, what was a banned gun under California's newly toughened assault weapon controls seemingly is reinvented into a more conventional sporting firearm for hunting or paper targets.

Assuming it has no other prohibited characteristics, Tugwell believes the rifle, in this case a .223-caliber Colt Sporter, will pass legal muster and avoid the requirement that it be registered.

"We're trying to make a couple of bucks, and we're also trying to give the people a chance to . . . comply with the law," said Tugwell, who sells his $69.95 replacement grip at gun shows, online and at his GunCompliantStocks shop.

Complying With the Law

Starting Jan. 1, it will be against the law to manufacture, import, sell, give or lend a wide variety of semiautomatic, combat-style guns whose features include pistol grips or folding stocks.

However, current owners can keep their unmodified guns if they register them with the state Department of Justice.

The new law also will attempt to reduce the firepower of these guns by banning ammunition magazines that can hold more than 10 cartridges. Some magazines can accept 20 or more rounds.

Tugwell believes he has found a way to help make some assault guns legal by removing their signature pistol grips and substituting the stock and grip of his own design.

"We offer a stock to make it more of a sporting rifle than what the media and government has termed an assault weapon," said Tugwell, who said it will fit several types of assault guns.

Is such surgery merely a clever way to get around the new law, as the National Rifle Assn. asserts? Or, will Californians be safer from gun violence by eliminating prohibited characteristics, as Atty. Gen. Bill Lockyer suggests? The answer is unclear.

On its Internet Web site, the NRA, which fought passage of the bill, SB 23, praises Tugwell's grip as an "SB 23 buster." The NRA invites other potential inventors of such equipment to come forward "and we will post a link to their site."

"Our job as gun owners is to tweak the nose of our Legislature. . . . It is our job to register as few firearms as possible--LEGALLY," the NRA says.

Lockyer, who has promised to enforce the new law vigorously and is writing regulations to implement it, has not examined Tugwell's substitute grip, believed to be the first of its kind.

But in an interview last week, the Democratic attorney general said he believes that, combined with restricted magazines, the removal of pistol grips diminishes the gun's "lethal potential."

"If people can modify their weapons to not violate any of the prohibited characteristics, then they have complied with the law," Lockyer said. "[But] I don't want someone to conclude that it is easy to get around the law by some cosmetic changes in the weapon."

He said his regulations will define whether modifications such as Tugwell's would enable the gun to comply with the law.

Indeed, much of the impetus for the new restrictions, enacted by the Legislature and signed by Gov. Gray Davis this summer, was to plug loopholes in the existing law, which enabled manufacturers to bypass assault weapon prohibitions by making cosmetic changes.

The new law casts a broader net than the state's 10-year-old Roberti-Roos Assault Weapons Control Act. It bans pistol grips, thumb hole and folding stocks, grenade launchers, flash suppressors and short barrels. However, none of these affects a gun's ability to fire rapidly, as fast as the trigger can be pulled.

"You have to eliminate all those features and the pistol grip. Otherwise, just putting our stock on won't make your gun comply," Tugwell said.

If the offending features are removed, supporters of the legislation contend, the guns become acceptable as hunting or sporting arms and are exempt from registration.

Registration will start Jan. 1 and last one year. The $20 fee will cover one gun or many if they are registered at the same time, the state Justice Department said. Otherwise, the prohibited guns must be disposed of or permanently disabled.

Pistol Grip Is a Key Item

The protruding pistol grip is a signature characteristic of many military firearms and is widely copied in civilian versions. In combat, it enables the shooter to nimbly keep up a high rate of fire with one hand and still maintain stability of the gun. For other arms, a thumb hole in the stock serves the same function.

By permanently eliminating the pistol grip or thumb hole stock, "you are fundamentally changing the design," said Luis Tolley, western director of Handgun Control Inc., a sponsor of the new law.

"Business has been halfway decent," Tugwell said.

But Tolley said he doubts that "we are going to see huge numbers of these weapons being converted. The guys who like those weapons are not going to give up their pistol grips."

Michael Van Winkle, a Justice Department spokesman, said 62,000 assault guns have been registered by 37,000 owners under the current law. Officials have no estimate of how many will be registered under the new requirements, he said.

"There's really no way to know how many are out there," Van Winkle said.

* * *

(For additional information, see these Web sites:





Joe's Second Amendment Message Board
Lockyer is truly a moron:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>But in an interview last week, the Democratic attorney general said he believes that, combined with restricted magazines, the removal of pistol grips diminishes the gun's "lethal potential."

I wonder if he would submitt to being shot once before and once after removal of offending features. Just a musing.
SB23 is a asinine law to make good on a campain pledge. This new add on stock is great and doesn't look too bad. The Supreme court need to settle this one. The idiots in CA will not stop untill all guns are gone.....it's sad time to be in CA.!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Is such surgery merely a clever way to get around the new law, as the National Rifle Assn. asserts? Or, will Californians be safer from gun violence by eliminating prohibited characteristics, as Atty. Gen. Bill Lockyer suggests? The answer is unclear.[/quote]

UNCLEAR? To whom, you pickled nimbyheaded fartsmeller? Go and chop down the tallest tree in the forest with a Halibut as penance!!

unclear . . . #$#@@#@!&%$ idiots . . . .


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
All fine and good, but:

"the NRA, which fought passage of the bill, SB 23"

Oh really? I didn't hear a thing about the NRA's involvment in attempting to defeat this in the legislature... and I am a member.

As far as I'm concerned, any way to register a few guns as we can is fine by me. Even tho it's late, I'll still welcome the help of the NRA.

I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! - RKBA!
Really, the saddest part is the reported 37,000 people who have registered the 62,000 rifles.

Such a shame that so many (if truly reported) have fallen for such a transparent ploy for confisaction.

And history again comes full circle...


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
John I havent heard of a one. Most of us evil gun owners will register ours at the same time we get the biometric chip implant, that way we will not have to wait in line twice. I guess this new law will legalize the 1919 BAR as it has a sporter stock. Did the article say how long the guns will be registered before they are confiscated? Maybe I missed that part.

From my cold dead hands.
TR: The press uses "the NRA" as shorthand for "gun owners"; Anything ANY of us fight, the press reports as "the NRA" fighting. Must really piss off the GOA and similar groups, having to do the heavy lifting in opposing bills like these, only to have the NRA get the credit. (Not that the reporter though it was "credit", mind you!)

Sic semper tyranus!

So, from your perspective, the press is reporting theses numbers to say to the sheeple, "Look, 37,000 people have already registered their's, you'd better follow suite or you'll be in the minority..."

A smoke and mirrors peer preasure ploy?

I would not doubt it, nor would I register my "Evil" guns even if the numbers were accurate and true.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
Is this nonsense about the magazine ban true?
Or is it just that you can't buy mags with more than a 10 round capacity? Who would turn in a magazine, at the very least people would just sell them out of state for a profit.

It's sad to see that my home state has gone to hell, but I'm glad I left. I still stop in to visit but I don't plan on ever living there again.

After 1 Jan 2000, CA residents will not be allowed to own, buy, sell, trade, loan, or borrow high-caps.

So saith Lord Davis, so mote it be. Constitution be damned.

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
"The protruding pistol grip is a signature characteristic of many military firearms and is widely copied in civilian versions. In combat, it enables the shooter to nimbly keep up a high rate of fire with one hand and still maintain stability of the gun. For other arms, a thumb hole in the stock serves the same function."

Really? Yeah, lot's of soldiers train to shoot with just one hand - they use Rambo II as a training film.

Seriously, if any of yous guys in Calif. need to sell your full-caps to comply, I'm buying - you can come and visit me here and we'll shoot with your full-caps when you do. :)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>For other arms, a thumb hole in the stock serves the same function.[/quote]

Wasn't the thumbhole stock (mostly on the MAK-90s and FN-FALs) only recently introduced, as a way around prohibitions against importing semi-auto rifles with pistol grips?

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789
Well the politicians in Cali have a lot of chutzpah. They are going to ban all hi-cap mags without being willing to pay for them?

Of course no one in the state will comply with this law but if you poor subjects of California are in a hurry to comply with this ukase I might be willing to buy your magazines.

Oh, yeah, also the BATF in its infinite wisdom has no decreed that a thumbhole stock is a pistol grip weapon. So you can't put a thumbhole stock on a post ban AR-15 and then add a flashsuppressor. Next thing you know they'll declare that a semi-auto is really an automatic weapon and a bolt-action rifle is really a semi-auto. Makes as much sense.

The darn law is Unconstitutional anyway but as always defend your rights at your own risk.