
Mill rat

Saw some discussion last weekend somewhere about the use of Kroil in firearm barrels. Some one asked if it was acidic, so today at work I put some on a litmus paper and it showed between 4 & 5. New vacuum oil came in at between 3 & 4.

So if 7 is neutral, it is a little, but not to far off. This was just one of those questions that chafe until I could find out.
Kroil is GREAT for penetrating and loosening rusted-in screws, barrels, etc. I wouldn't use it for cleaning a firearm, though, unless I had to loosen some really tight screws.

I'm leery of using it at all in a barrel, especially as a cleaner/preservative because of it's extreme penetrating ability. I'd hate to load a rifle that had Kroil in the barrel as a preservative, then find that it penetrated the cartridge and contaminated the powder or primer. :eek:
I wouldn't use it for cleaning a firearm, though, unless I had to loosen some really tight screws

That will be a big surprise to many bench rest shooters that use Kroil with JB bore paste to clean their barrels.
I was working on an antique gun and couldn't get the tumber/sear separated from the hammer. Cooked it in an ultrasonic cleaner for 45 minutes and then a few drops of Kroil. Let it set for 15 min and then took a punch to the tumber/sear and knocked it right out.

I'm a believer of Kroil for stuck/stubborn parts.
Kroil and Shooter's Choice 50:50 cleans a barrel like magic!!!;). Run a few dry patches after several wet ones and it's done. Use this mixture exclusively apparent negative effects.
Kroil is new at my bench. After reading on this sight about it I went searching for it. I had a very hard time finding it. In fact it took days. Forget about the big home stores. It seams that if it isn't some thing new it's some thing that has been around for only a couple decades. I finely found some at the south end of town in the old third generation hardware store. I was very disappointed in the place. The small can he wanted $20 and he had a spray can for more. I was amazed that any one would give that much for some oil. A few days went by and I was not able to find Kroil any where. I broke down and payed the $20 reluctantly. A week later I happened to be on a trip 200 miles north way out in the boon docks. I happened to be going by a town that is famous for hunting and fishing equipment "Jays". They had Kroil on the shelve same size can for $12.
Well any how I have been using it and I will vouch for what it says on the can. It's the oil that creep's

Just for the heck of it I tried WD 40 on the litmus, it came out like kroil, about the same.

Then I tried it on Hoppes 9 and as near as I can tell it is 7 or neutral.
@ Longshot4
When you said "Jays", I assume you mean in Clair, Mi...anyway, Fastenal carries
Kroil and Fastenal is a nation wide distributor. I buy it by the case (12) cans
per case for my employ.
In the past I've been given a couple different rifles to work on and clean. For barrels that are particularly dirty I've plugged the muzzle with an ear plug and filled the entire barrel with Kroil and let it sit overnight at a minimum. Personally haven't seen any ill effects.
Thanks Smoke n Recoil. It sounds like you may be a Michigander. I suspect my can should last. I just received a new exhaust manifold to replace the rusted out one on my old Super Duty. I will be testing Kriol on the rusted bolts. I hope it is as good or better than people say it is.
Clark, is the powdered sugar just used to hold the kroil, or is there :confused:some chemistry happening with acids?
Powder sugar is probably a poor man's resin (for gripping).

Clark - 540 lbs? Man, I couldn't do that without a six foot cheater bar. I had an AR upper that I wanted to remove the barrel from and couldn't get it to budge even when I put my stomach on it and kicked my feet into the air. I could do chin-ups and that thing wouldn't move. A classmate who was 6'2" and another bigger person both used their height and weight and were finally able to break it free. They had to be more than 400 lbs combined.
On another web site, kroil mixed with acetone were touted as being effective in removing carbon from a bore.
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10 years ago I was using resin from Brownells. Then I started using powdered sugar. Now my wife tells me that the coefficient of friction with corn starch is as good as the sugar.

I built a 223 Mosin this year. I came up with a single shot lifter, bottom ejector. It is one of the few sub moa Mosins around:)

Also this year I built a 7mmRemMag Mosin Nagant this year and took it to the range.
I came up with an unfired ammo release button and pillar/recoil lugs that look like little toilets made from Aluminum.

I am almost done with a 300 Win Mag with a new Krieger barrel on a Mosin. I will probably hunt next month with that if i can finish it.

Here is the 7mmRM release button
I have at times been able to clean residue from a barrel with Kroil when nothing else would work. What kind of residue? I can't answer that. I just know from my own experience that when my model 29 had a gooped up barrel, the Kroil did the job. I also found that it turns gummy over time, so I don't use it as a protectant or lubricant, just as a cleaner/penetrator.
I've got a homemade mix I call "The Dip" that contains, among other things, acetone, Kroil and ATF. I made it up as an experiment to see if I could improve on the performance of typical cleaning solutions. I use it as a soaking solution--I'll throw a pistol barrel or a revolver cylinder in The Dip and let it soak until I get around to cleaning it properly.

It seems to be adequate at loosening/softening carbon fouling, but even after soaking for a couple of weeks it's not really an impressive performer. It might be a little better than a run-of-the-mill nitro solvent when the nitro solvent is used normally. I've never soaked a barrel in nitro solvent for a couple of weeks to get a fair comparison.

I keep using it because I've already got a bunch of it, but I don't plan to make another batch when this batch is used up.

MPro-7 or Hoppes Elite works much better, MUCH faster and will even do a decent job of removing copper fouling which The Dip won't begin to touch.
Kroil is some amazing stuff. We use for certain things in the navy. I'm about to start this week spraying some manifold bolts to get ready for my headers my wife bought me. No range for me this weekend lol.