Krink on Full Auto

Hey guys, looking to get a select fire Krink as a PDW. A Buddy of mine told me that the krinks were nearly uncontrollable on full auto. I have never shot one, and definately do not want my PDW to be uncontrolable, cause then what is the point? Is it true? looking for full auto use on targets from 0 to 25 yards.
You are going to pay $17,000 plus for a legal Krink. If you ever did use it in self defense, the legal battles would wipe you out. It would sit for years in police custody as evidence.

It also takes hundreds of rounds to become proficient with full-auto, especially for something with as much recoil as the 7.62x39.
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If he can afford to A. buy and B. shoot a legal SBR full-auto Krinkov, paying legal fees in the extremely rare chance that he ever needs to use it in self defense would probably not be a big deal, methinks. :D
You are wrong about the legal fees. An AC-556 was used in self defense several years ago. The legal fees were in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.