Korth revolvers


New member
Anyone have experiences with these? The .357 mag combat models in particular? Also, are there any differences between the 3" vs. 4" models? From pictures, it appears that the frames are different. Thanks.
Since their production rate has been less than 100/year, could be that there are no two alike. Rather pricey too. So probably not very many people have a collection of them for comparison. Looks like the Combat model runs from a tad under 5 grand to nearly 10 grand.

No actual hands on those "Mercedes" brand revolvers. However, unless it's been redesigned, the sear is equipped with a roller for a long smooth DA trigger.
Gary, what rotates the cylinder?

If you knoww, what's the pricing look like on the Manhurin surplus revos from France. The ones based on the Smith, NOT the Ruger frame.
>>tad under 5 grand to nearly 10 grand.

I like nice revolvers as much as the next guy. But 5 grand? Personally, I would feel just too stupid to take one of those to the range and show other people. I would just be too embarrassed. That said, I would love to have a 2 grand Freedom Arms in .357 mag. I'm talking the heavy frame, not the mid-frame.

Mercedes?? More like Rolls Royce or Bentley. Their semi-autos are about the same price. Options out the wazoo too. Not sure if I like the styling though.
Korth is dead...

...as they were the functional equivalent of a custom handgun producer that charged four times as much as its competition.

Suprised they made it as long as they did, but their work could be absolutely stunning. However, I must admit that I've handled exactly one example in my entire life; was much less impressed than by my first encounter with other marques such as Freedom Arms.

And I had no clue that Korth actually produced semi-autos...how much did they cost?!? :eek:
As far as I know, the Korth is still available. I have a price list current for 2001. The Combat models start at $4700 while the autos start at $4900.

They have an excellent reputation. Does anyone actually own one of the revolvers or at least fired one. If so, how do they compare to a good Python?

Oh, I do hate it when...

...I post incorrect info. :(

It seems that Korth is very much alive. I've e-mailed Korth-USA to get details on what might have happened because I distinctly recall reading that Korth had financial difficulties and was shutting down.

Will update...
While Korth has been stable. They have changed U.S. distributors several times. The nature of their product could have a lot to do with the changing distrubitor problem.

They make so very few of anything and each costs so very much. Few could justify stocking them.


I received this e-mail from Korth USA:

Yes, we are doing so well that we now have a distribution facility in the
US. This is contrary to the false article published about us in Guns and
Ammo!!! Maybe they should do their homework! Please contact / visit our
website below and if we can be of any further assistence now or in the
future, please feel free to contact us directly.

Earl J. Sheehan Jr.
Korth USA /
Earl's Repair Service, Inc.
437R Chandler St.
Tewksbury, MA 01876
phone 1-978-851-8656
fax 1-978-851-9462

Those of you not familiar with Earl should know that he is a pre-eminent Walther expert, too.
"That's where they have been since the beginning of 2000." -- Sam


Not sure exactly what you mean/infer from your post. I posted incorrect info and investigated why I screwed up. Anyone can see the results.

Is there something else I should do?

I'm not going to send you a Korth because you had better info than I did. LOL!

What the heck, Sam...given the current heat index here, I could probably revisit the great state of Arizona and cool off. <sigh>

Got a Korth revolver we can shoot? ;)
looks to me like just another rich guy's toy. I can't picture it shooting a bit better than one of my old Smiths. Firearms snobbery has been around for ever.
Zander.....twern't a barb. You found very comprehensive info for them that is right up to date. I knew when Earl's became a distributor, you knew ALL the pertinant info re who and where. I just added the when.

Your efforts in digging out the correct current info are appreciated.

Sorry if I came off as snotty or ?

Oh, don't mind me, Sam...I'd been outside with the dogs and it was still over 80* with a heat index over 90 and I was a little quick on the trigger.

Darn shame when a man can't smoke a post-prandial cigar on his deck 'cause it self-ignites. :eek:

Hotter'n forty Hades here this week...

I could use the fact that I had to go to Phoenix yesterday as an excuse for bein terse last night, but it wouldn't fly for me cause it is pretty nice up here in the hills. Twas just me.

Sam...........where did you say that cigar had been ?:D