KOCO.com news item; CCW & stores.....


I read over a brief news article, www.KOCO.com .
In Texas, a father & his 5 year old son went to a local Bass Pro Shop prior to going to a concert.
The dad reportedly took off his CCW pistol while in a store dressing room.
The child picked up the loaded firearm & fired 2 rounds. :eek:
The boy & the father were both hurt in the incident. The brand & caliber of the firearm was not listed.

The lesson here is to not have small children near loaded guns even briefly if possible. It can be difficult but the results can be tragic if a child grabs a loaded gun.
If it were me, I wouldn't buy any clothes or try stuff on unless I had another adult who could supervise the kid(s).
I'm not going to speculate on what the father may or may not of taught his young son about firearms either but this incident should be a lesson to other parents/grandparents with CCWs.

Note; I couldn't get the media link to post directly either.

The above link might be better...or might not work at all.

The report said the guy had a concealed carry permit. The guy was not charged with anything yet...the police said the district attorney is going to make that call.

The guy better hope the DA is in a forgiving mood...the legal fees could be nasty.

Here's another link to a print version instead of a video version.
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Thanks DaleA....

Thanks for the news links.
I'm not a parent so I'm not going to wag my finger or be too critical but I also think anytime there's a "kids & guns" situation even for a brief period or short trip, you(the license holder or owner) need to be careful.

Young children are naturally inquisitive & curious about weapons.
My nephew is 10 & often asks me when we can go target shooting or to the range.

As stated, the DA might file charges but I highly doubt it. I'm sure the kid's mom went off like a ICBM. :eek:
ClydeFrog said:
I couldn't get the media link to post directly either.
I've noticed that you never post direct links to the articles you're citing. Have you tried to copy and paste the link from your browser bar? As far as I know, every browser in existence - even on smart phones - allows you to copy and paste the exact page that you're on. There shouldn't be anything stopping you from posting the exact link to all the articles you're mentioning. And that would make it a lot easier for us to actually read the article instead of having to find it first.
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The child picked up the loaded firearm & fired 2 rounds. :eek:

I think you misinterpreted the information. There was 1 shot fired based on the witness statement, the 1 shot apparently wounding both the father and son.

The lesson here is to not have small children near loaded guns even briefly if possible.

There is nothing wrong with having small children near loaded guns. There is a problem with letting small children having access to loaded guns, particularly when the parent isn't actually supervising the child.

The 2nd news article posted more details.
The father & young son were from TX but in the OK City area.
I think only 1 9x19mm round was fired too but I stand by my remarks that small children should not be around loaded guns if possible.
Yes, trained adults or CCW holders can have guns but it's not safe or prudent to set down a firearm even for a brief period.
Let's not bicker over words. Not setting down a loaded gun in front of 5 year old is different from proclaiming an indiscriminate blanket statement.
If you carry or regularly handle/access firearms, then your children should already be introduced to, visually familiar with, and taught about your firearms (as in do not touch them unless I hand them to you). Do not get me wrong, I would not trust any of my children with a loaded firearm loose about the house, however that being said, I am completely confident that none of my 5 year olds would have even touched my handgun in a store dressing room, especially with me in there. I believe that familiarity kills curiosity in small children. Don't know what happened in OK with this guy, but just my two cents.
Non issue....

I agree with the last post, but I think behavior modification for a grown adult will work faster & be more prudent than a 5 year(any 5 year old). ;)
If you CC & want to take you kids out and about, I would not include clothes shopping. I don't do it that often with/without loaded guns but if I did, Id shop on my own if possible & avoid the hassles all together. ;)
Teaching young children gun safety or educating them is smart but avoiding the temptations or risks all together is far better IMO.

So, the gun was a Glock 9mm and the situation was dad trying on a new holster in a dressing room.

New holster, if I had to try it on since I was out of town, says...

Step 1: draw and clear my weapon

....big assumption here...but it sounds like step 1 was remove and place old holster and gun on bench loaded.

I hope he and his boy make a full recovery. I also hope in some quiet time he determines how this happened and makes his own countermeasure.