knurled molds?


New member
I see that hornaday lead bulets have knurled lube grooves across the entire bullets. I know these would obviously be too detailed for casting, and they are swaged. but do they have anything similar in molds? like intersecting lines all across the base of the bullet. like overlapping X's or something?

I have been think about it, and this sure would be a difficult idea to execute
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I would worry that it wouldn't let go of the bullet after opening the mold.

I had always figured they swaged the bullet and then rolled the pattern into it after.

Tumbled in HF red...
probably right about the pattern being pressed into it, that actually wouldn't be too hard on a soft alloy. just an interesting design, looks like it would be an effective way to hold traditional lube. prob would need to be deeper though
That's probably why Lee went with all those annoying little rings....

Well maybe annoying was a bit harsh, they do give you a lot more places to put a crimp if you want too. :D