Know Theine Enemy...

Funny. They don't explain WHY guns should be eliminated, only that it's evil evil evil. Instead, all they have are these comic strips, which I like quite a bit. But, it's also hard to take them seriously if that's all they have to offer in their defense. Otherwise, I think it's a very nice site. After all, I too am tired of children dying (even if they do over-play the children card).
I do not like the way this is presented as "We the people". I am part of the 'people' and do not agree with what they saying. You can count on an email from me! I will work on it today!
A Jedi's strength is the Force....
A Jedi is calm, peaceful- he is not provoked to anger... He speaks when he can, and only fights when he must, for all living things are of the Force... Beware always the seduction of the Dark Side and allow not your mind to dwell on what is evil... He acts, rather than REacts... Aggression, belligerence, hate, anger- a Jedi has no part in such things, for they are the Dark Side...

Whew, I'm calm now! :) I agree with Miss D- they are not "we the people" they are merely a group of "the people". I might add, they are a group that does not know how to state their position very well, either. There's nothing to back up their claims except some stupid cartoons and more blahbiddy-blah about "the children". Oh, and their claims that "gun-control myths" are facts, such as #1- Guns DO kill children. Why, oh, why aren't these people outraged at the person who commits atrocities? What is it that is defective in these people's minds that they believe we'd all be good little sheep if we just didn't have guns? Interesting how they stated that there's only two choices: put guards and metal detectors everywhere, or get rid of guns. My friends (by that I mean TFLers), there are always choices. Never let the bannits talk you into believing that your only "choices" are to accede or decline their demands. Give them the "choice" of your counter-proposal.

As far as I can tell, this group's sole motivating factor is Fear, and they seek to gain support by spreading that Fear. I will do what I can to try to open their minds to the serenity that is the Force (aka rational thought), so that they need not be slaves to their own terror any longer.

Fear is the path to the Dark Side...

"Is fhe'arr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach"
-Sarabian Oomodo

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!

A firearm isn't a weapon until it is used as such.

[This message has been edited by Jedi Oomodo (edited August 24, 1999).]
Just mailed them: "...odd that at no point do they mention 'doing anything about psychotic children - unless of course they are not American; some sort of foreign import...?' maybe I haven't being paying proper attention
Ooooh--if guns really kill people (forget the people behind the trigger), then I guess I need to stop keeping mine under the bed. Hate for it to walk out of the house and shoot the neighbor's cat or that poop-factory of a dog across the street.

Do they make those electronic fences for guns, too? How about leashes?

Give me a break. The site had lots of emotional appeal, but not one solid argument presented for their case, which is typical of leftists.

Cartoons were funny, though, but I'm persuaded more by truths than I am pictures.

To sum up the site, I paraphrase Shakespeare, that it was "all heat and no light."

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense. belongs to:

Lew Payne Publishing, Inc.
6167 Jarvis Ave, #334
Newark, CA 94560

I don't think anyone takes them seriously. I certainly do not.
Anyone go to the (barf) "Think Radio" section? The guy who's sponsoring this wannabe 'petition' claims to be a lawyer who stands for the personal liberties of the citizens and a defender against encroaching government. This looks like a clear-cut case of cognitive dissonance to me. What a smeghead.

"Is fhe'arr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach"
-Sarabian Oomodo

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!

A firearm isn't a weapon until it is used as such.
I think I have said this before elsewhere, but if we outlaw guns what is next? Steak knives, baseball bats, windows above the fourth floor, all equally lethal as a gun.

These people make me sick. I find it hard to believe that people spout off such obvious BS and it is believed by so many.

I just fired off a lengthy e-mail of my own. Maybe these people will wake up one day and see what the problem they are actually causing for the rest of " the people ".


You are... What you do... When it counts.
The Masao
I just wish that we could somehow show these people the error of their ways , I think that the columbine cartoon showing the dead person lying in a pool of blood is sick, and anyone who would use such a tragedy to further their political agendas is even sicker. But that describes most democrats and even some republicans , I know that I've gotten a little off track but my blood pressure wasn't low enough when I read this. And Jedi,its great to see another star wars fanatic out there who actually likes guns, that is rare, may the force be with you , all .


[This message has been edited by frogman6 (edited August 25, 1999).]