

New member
"Hey yall put the weekend of April 6th, 7th, & 8th on your
calander. Lets go camping in Kentucky. Get Reid to come. You haven't
seen a show like this unless you've been there!

Trying to talk hubby into going to knobcreek this year.... anyone else going? Anyone else ever been? Got any good knobcreek stories? :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I'm going this April, and I can't wait!! Somebody please advise as to what sort of competitions there will be. No offense or flame, but "Bring a handgun and a rifle" doesn't really tell me enough to go on. Does anyone know much about the gun show there?

This is the link:

Click on "Registrations" The match info and types are listed there. The pistol match is kind of a hybrid IPSC/IDPA. The AW match is, well, open to AW's :)

The gun show can be great or it can suck, you just never know.
heard it's a "blast"

I have a friend in Kentucky who went last year. He said it was a BLAST. I want to go, but that's just before I defend my thesis. :( It sucks but I have to get the hell out of this university, too many libs around. :eek:
I took my g/f last year and that was the first time I'd been. It was unreal! Be sure to take PLENTY of cash. We went through a couple hundred bucks shooting and a few more bucks on food and drinks. Prices started at $30 to shoot AR-15, Uzi, Spas auto shotgun, and several HKs and went up to as much as $60 to shoot a short belt of .50 cal. Flamethrower was $45. I think M60 was $45 too. Be ready for a HIKE from parking area to shooting grounds, and last year it was pretty muddy. Most of the gunshow was class 3 PARTS, with some complete weapons for sale and some .50 cal bolt action rifles for sale. Nite shoot started around 5:30 lastyear and that is when all the explosive charges were placed. Also LOTS of tracers! Targets include cars, appliances, hot water heaters, a drum of diesel fuel. This is the part you want to videotape, so try to save some battery and film :) (WE DIDN'T)
WAGCEVP, are you from around Dayton? That story you posted about the kid shooting the other kid in self defense happened in Huber Heights. I live in Huber as well.
I'm in Georgia, Dykillis... that story was a FWD I received elsewhwere.

I'd like to to talk hubby into taking the pinzgauer up and camping in it. I've got a digital camera i'll take if we go..... I've GOT to go just once. Might have to pass on shooting though, didn't know they charged for that.... May have to up and watch everyone else have fun.
I've been going for several years now. I usually go on Saturday. If you like looking at class three "stuff" this is the place to do it.
There are rentals as stated above. There are also several sorts of competition; Jungle Walks, bowling pins, subgun matches, AW matches, shotgun matches etc.
The main line is really something to see when the fire command is given:cool:
What's attendance like & expected to be? Sounds like fun, but it's also getting such publicity that I worry about overcrowding.
I have attended for the last three times, Oct 99, Apr 00 & Oct 00. I like going on Friday. There are not as many people and some are sitting up for the Sat competition. It just seems as if you can talk with more people, including the exibitors, and that makes it more enjoyable for me. I believe I heard this past Oct that 15,000 people come to the shoot over the three days.

FWIW, this past Oct I took a Canadian friend to the shoot. I thought that he was an anti, but I was wrong. He enjoyed it so much that he is going to attend this Apr and bring his son. You just never can tell.