knob creek


New member
went to knob creeks machine gun shoot shot a fully auto ak-47 pretty cool experience they need to warn people when they fire that cannon off next time ha ha i probaly jumped back 3 feet scared the crap out of me didnt have my ear plugs in yet damn that the loudest thing i ever heard
Periods, commas, and other forms of punctuation are your friend.

Yeah, The Creek is a very cool place to go. I wish I could take home one of everything there.:D
oh man i want to go check out that wicked festival of discharging steel devices and fun with all sorts of lead going downrange with fine velocity and impacts upon the wrecked cars out there i saw the range when i drove up to indiana last time but no time to stop dangit
well. what would you rather have him do; use as "much" puncuation, commas, periods, semi colons, and other marks, as possible?
No, but seriously, wasn't this very kind of thing brought-up by the Mods just a short time ago? I mean, really, if you won't even bother to at least start with a capital letter and end with a period (and that is the least of the problems with the original post), then why bother posting at all? Sorry, but that is rather irritating. We are all adults here, so lets not be juvenile. Besides, why wouldn't one want to make their posts easier to comprehend?
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Wow ! I'm so very sorry. I should of known better than to post something without proper punctuation. I promise it will never happen again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!