Knight's Manufacturing Company AR-15 - What do you know?

Sid Post

New member
While attending the recent SHOT SHOW in Atlanta, I checked out the KMC AR-15 and was reasonably impressed with what I saw but, in the glitz of bright lights and new gadgets, I sort of put it on the back burner. Since then, I have seen nothing. I expected a bigger splash but, I know the marketplace is very tough today and wonder if they are being over shadowed by Bushmaster and others.

What caught my attention was the perceived high level of quality in the firearm itself. It wasn't just a knock off of a generic AR-15 but, a well though out and properly executed design. Combined with the fact it comes from the factory with their RAS (Rail Interface System improved) and a 300 meter backup sight, it seemed to be priced right. I would expect a $300 to $500 difference (street price) between KMC and say a Bushmaster. Is this why they are not seen very often (actually I have not seen another one since).

Any owners and/or users care to comment on this rifle? Is it worth my hard earned money?


[This message has been edited by Sid Post (edited July 18, 1999).]
its a mini SR 25
very nice
highest quality
and sold out
a buddy ordered one 2 months ago
there were very few left then (less then 10)

what i heard was Knights had a major order for SR 25s and was going to shut down the SR 15 line after this first run and restart sr 15s next year

Does anyone know whose barrels Knight was going to use in these AR's? Stainless or chrome-moly? This is the first I've heard of them making AR's. I sure hope this Y2K thing fades away soon, 'cause I'd like to get another AR Service Rifle built, and it's a pain in the you-know-what finding lowers/uppers right now.
Just a quick update:

Delivery time is 6 months away currently and retail pricing is $1595 (up'ed $300 in May).

Does anyone have a URL/Website for Knights Manufactering Co.

I just picked up an Armalite M15A4(T) and am now looking at the AR10/SR25.

I'd like some more information on their SR25 and this new SR15.

Thanks :)
Snapshot, is the website. They do answer their e-mail. I inquired about a Modular Weapons System on Thursday night and had an answer Friday morning. They don't have any prices listed on their website, you have to call for pricing.

I ordered a MWS (RIS) for an AR carbine and the flip up rear sight yesterday. I was told that the order would ship on Monday. I'll post a report on their customer service when I receive the order.

I spoke with Brian there and he was very helpful, so far they have been a good company to deal with.

My only complaint was that MSRP are not posted on the website making their online ordering function useless IMHO and they need to update the info on the credit cards they accept. The website says they accept Mastercard, Visa, Discover and American Express, but they only accept Mastercard and Visa.

[This message has been edited by Jeff White (edited July 31, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Jeff White (edited July 31, 1999).]
It's no secret that Remington makes their barrels. That is one of the reasons the SR-25 did so well initially. Remington custom shop barrels are top notch and I suspect, not as pricey as a true custom barrel, especially when you order in volume :)

I asked Knights about thier barrels once and they are not chrome lined. They make them from "Remington barrel blanks." Remington must be doing some contract work on the side just for Knights as I've never heard of them making any AR related parts before.

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper
It was written up a couple of years ago in the American Rifleman that Remington makes the barrels for Knight. Knight is about the only company Remington will make barrels for.

Funny how gunmakers (S&W, Ruger) must diversify their product lines to survive. This is not a novelty (Winchester roller skates, saws, tools) and is good to keep a skilled labor force employed and the company solvent.

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