knee-jerk govtrol


Juxtapose Clinton's new 4/27 domestic "firearms-initiatives" (esp. raising 18yr
to 21yr, one firearm per month limit, etc.)
with his proposing a total of 31,000 young Reservists to the Balkan debacle.

This is as worthless a knee-jerk-reaction, as Rush and his distinguished-guest (what was his name?) pointed out this week: as worthless as the present national ban affecting Columbine's students to publicly-assemble (before the shootings, anyway) to exalt,laud, and magify (Baruch Hashem!) The God Of Avrahim,Yitzak, and Jaacob, otherwise known as The King Of Kings & Lord Of Lords.

In other words you have the "stenchcoat-masturbates" hailing-hitler and openly assembling...never being searched previous to that day; but those carrying New and/or Old Testaments would be sent straight to the Principal's Office Don't Pass Go!? Let alone inviting their community's Rabbis, Priests, and Pastors to encouragingly and lovingly address school assemblies on a regular basis, previous to that fatal day.
As cited by Mr. Limbaugh's distinguished-guest: "tolerance" has been carried to such new heights of no-limits, that we would dare-not infringe on someone's self-esteem as to ban their hitler-worship in a public school.

Also;as sure as drug-dealers haven't any self-esteem problems in this new era of tolerance (they just haven't any self-respect and morals - because powers-that-be feel it's "bigoted & intolerant" to teach them these, as part of public-curriculum, anyway).... the 15 students of Columbine died at the hands of those championing this new era of liberalism and tolerance.

Bravo Sean Hannity AND let the original text of Gov. Ventura's retracted-comments stand, politically uncorrected, please!

Imagine World Peace kept by a Godfearing, skilled & well armed public. Sounds like 1776 America, doesn't it ?