Klinton Power-Grabs


New member
Executive Orders. Almost a code-word for the aware, meaningless to the ignorant.

Just found this while casually examining the Drudge Report for the first time:


I detect a continuation of our Constitutional crisis through this expanded use of Executive Orders. Would love to hear how law students would analyze the issues here.

Of course, some people will immediately discount anything Phyllis Schlafely says, since she pissed off the feminazis so many years ago.

Let us never forget that the only legitimate source of government power is the citizens. If WE cannot exercise a certain power, we cannot grant it to the state.
OK uploading now when upload is comple you will have the option of viewing them on the web or d/l as a zip file

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Just looked at The Winds web site. Need to dig up the citations and do my own verifications (like the 1933 Congressional Record quote), but it appears that it is every bit as bad as the most strident voices have made it sound.

My parents always said that the road to Hell for this nation began with FDR. And they were little kids at the end of the Depression.

Someone has written an entire book on how EO's have undermined the foundations of the US republic. The Orange County Register published some exerpts from it some time ago. I'll see if I can find the exact title.