Klinton is gonna get us Nuked.


New member
In the news this week, Mr. Clinton, still searching for a legacy, is
dabbling in foreign policy, pointing a finger of disapproval at
Russia's policy in Chechnya. He has succeeded in creating the most
dangerous rift in U.S.-Russia relations since the end of the Cold War.
Responding to Mr. Clinton's "intervention," Mr. Boris
"Finger-on-the-Bottle-and-Button" Yeltsin had this admonition: "It
seems he has for a minute, for a second, for half a minute, forgotten
that Russia has a full arsenal of nuclear weapons. We aren't afraid
at all of Clinton's anti-Russian position. I want to tell President
Clinton that he alone cannot dictate how the world should live, work
and play. It is us who will dictate."
In the news this week, Mr. Clinton, still searching for a legacy, is
dabbling in foreign policy, pointing a finger of disapproval at
Russia's policy in Chechnya. He has succeeded in creating the most
dangerous rift in U.S.-Russia relations since the end of the Cold War.
Responding to Mr. Clinton's "intervention," Mr. Boris
"Finger-on-the-Bottle-and-Button" Yeltsin had this admonition: "It
seems he has for a minute, for a second, for half a minute, forgotten
that Russia has a full arsenal of nuclear weapons. We aren't afraid
at all of Clinton's anti-Russian position. I want to tell President
Clinton that he alone cannot dictate how the world should live, work
and play. It is us who will dictate."

I dont think the russians can dictate, as they dont have as much money as the Chinese to to pay us off.
While I don't think Boris will be rash enough to nuke us, I wish him the best of luck in embarassing his Billness on an international scale. May Tovarisch Yeltsin succeed where the Congress has failed.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Just imagine what happens if they drive us to civil war. Everyone might jump in to get a piece of the US! I wonder if the government will try to pay us off to keep that from happening.

Gun control isnt about guns, Its about control.
A scary thought , Tank Girl.
While gun owners are fighting jack booted thugs over gun Konfiscation, Russa , China and Cuba invade.
Lets see now, 1 bullet for enemies
domestic, 1 bullet for enemies foriegn, 1 bullet for enemies domestic.......

One could get really sick & tired of this real qiuck. How about we go home and let the jack booted thugs fight the enemies foriegn and we will kick out who ever is left over.
Point of order, Oktoberkommando: While I'm not comfortable with defending our perjuror in chief, I'd say it's RUSSIA which has created this rift, by returning to it's totalitarian tendencies, unmoderated by any remaining sense of major power restraint. Boris is showing real signs of alcoholic dementia, and we can only hope that the Russian militiary won't obey if the pink elephants tell him to nuke us.

Tank Girl: Nah, if we have a civil war, the rest of the world won't pitch in. In any serious civil war here, both sides would be nuclear powers. Securing some nuclear deterent would have to be almost the first step in a civil war, realisticly, to block the government from using tactical nukes.

Sic semper tyranus!
"I dont think the russians can dictate, as they dont have as much money as the Chinese to to pay us off."

It's the other way around. We dump millions into the USSR (oops!) forgot, they're not commies ... "our enlightened socialist brethern." The IMF (Internat'l Monetary Fund) is nothing more than a bribe writ large to influence foreign policy. That they take the money & flip us off hasn't sunk into the heads of our brainchilds. The money doesn't go to the foreign people (the high-ranking thugs bank it) & the policy isn't changed.

& ernest2, sounds like a fun kinda reactive target range, if the situationo wouldn't be so serious.
Second point Russia has never left its totalitarin order, it had just given it a face lift. I dont think the commies ever left, esp concering their espionage network laid well in advance. To much to just disapear. Though they would like us to believe they are some benevolent enlightened members of the one world global village. With the aid thing what I mean was that if we cut off aid they wouldn have the bread to pay us off with, but maybe if they save enough of our own money they will use it in th future to pay us off with.

IVAN 88 give me a hand here.
Back up for Oberkommando here.
It is not our place to tell the Russians what to do. Or the Serbs, or the Croats, or the KLA, or the Indonesians. This is the Nation-State issue we've discussed a little previously. This is important due to the fact that this world police attitude leads to violation of War Rule #1. You either go to war or you don't.
These police actions we dive into with insane ROE and undefined objectives are not what our military is for.
I hope the Russian President gives clinton a bloody nose politicaly. And I hope he strikes a blow against extranational governing.

$kroo clinton, $kroo the UN, and $kroo the DNC!!!
It's not our place to tell ANYONE ANYTHING.
Clinton has just about made a mokery of American National Pride. He's up there goofy and sweaty looking, adjusting his tie and complaining that he gets no respect... Sounds like a certain comedian.
Unfortunatly he is the P.O.T.U.S. He can be boo'd but we cant throw things at him...

Like Tiger-Tail grenades...

Not that I am advocating violence - just the hasty removal of a traitor scumbag.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
We, the people, are tired of being taxed, penalized, supervised, harassed,
and subjugated by a federal government which exceeds the powers
enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.
I concur with cdf & George.

One of the idealistic principles which guided this nation so well in its early days was that following the revolution, we had divorced ourselves from the entanglements of Europe. Then we started playing Policeman of the World in the '20s and '30s locally (Central America) and couldn't stop after that. Let everybody wallow in the mess of their own creation. We've certainly got ours to take care of.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I am amenable to all your posts. Good for me to read such explanations as I think the same too. Please, let the US stop in dictating too much foreign countries internal affairs. As I see it, not only foreign nationals hate this but also US citizens in general.
Yea but the ticket of TRUMP AND OPRA would straighten things out. Now is'nt that (almost) sickening?????????

From my cold dead hands.