Klinton & Gore want licensing/registration for handguns


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July 15 update -- President Clinton joined Vice President Gore
in supporting handgun owner licensing during a speech to the
Democratic Leadership Council yesterday.

While praising Gore he said: "We ought to take the next step
on licensing people who own handguns to make sure that they are
trained to use the guns and *that they should have them* -- and that
would solve all the loopholes because if you had a bad background
you couldn't get a license, you couldn't own one."

Say what?

Majority Whip Tom Delay says that he expects to see the "non-
controversial" gun provisions passed by both houses of Congress --
everything except the differing Lautenberg, Craig, McCollum,
Dingell and McCarthy gun show bills -- to be folded into the final
House-Senate Juvenile Justice bill.

Each of those proposals require background checks on all gun
show sales; but the Democrats want a political issue rather than
what they claim to want.

Both sides say they will appoint conferees this week, but the
Senate won't because Sen. Bob Smith -- now an Independent from New
Hampshire -- has a "hold" on appointing conferees, and will
filibuster any efforts to appoint them. He can easily put off the
appointments until next week -- unless Trent Lott decides to violate
Senatorial courtesy by not telling Bob he's planning to make the

An even greater possibility of blocking the bill comes from
the Democrats, who refuse to let any gun legislation pass unless
it's the Lautenberg gun show language.

The real reason is that the left wing from both parties
doesn't want harsh treatment of juveniles -- and the true liberals don't
the huge expansion of government powers that the bill provides. On
that last point, I agree with them.

I still think you're going to see trigger locks, a ban on
importing high-capacity magazine, and tighter restrictions on
possession of guns by those under 18.
Yesterday, Rep. Steny Hoyer attempted to attach the Lautenberg
gun show language to an appropriations bill, and Rosa DeLauro and
Nita Lowey attempted to attach the other House-approved provisions.
They failed; some of the opponents voted for the same bills when they\
were on the floor last month.
A group of about 80 kids from 31 schools in Colorado are to
meet with the President today, then go to the Hill to lobby for the
Senate-passed gun package.

Carefully coached by Handgun Control Inc., they were on
Capitol Hill yesterday saying: "We need gun laws that are easy to
understand and easy to enforce." That really sounds good, but the
convoluted Lautenberg gun show amendment is difficult to understand
and would be impossible to enforce.

California Democrats are moaning about no longer being able to
campaign against "assault weapons," now that they've passed -- with
heavy Republican support -- a broader ban on both military-look guns
and magazines over 10 rounds.

The bill is on the way to Gov. Gray Davis who says he will
sign it, and -- surprise -- he's also going to sign the one-
handgun-per-month bill, just as I've been predicting.

[This message has been edited by AR BLACK (edited July 16, 1999).]
I am at a point where I no longer care if I am a target. I have filled out enough 4473's, class III paperwork, and filed enough fingerprint cards for a small city. I DO NOT expect people to reply and say what they will or will not do if such legislation is passed. Doing so will only move you up on the list.

I will tell you that I personally will not comply. I urge you to do the same, even if you do not publicly say so. I also urge you to influence as many people as possible not to comply.

I do not think this round of upcoming legislation will be the final nail in our coffin. We will just lose a little more freedom. However, I think the final nail is out of the box and is heading for the hammer. If you think it won't happen here, I urge you to reevaluate our position. We lose a little more about every six months.

DON'T DO IT. DO NOT COMPLY. Continue writing letters, making phone calls, donate to the cause, but DO NOT COMPLY.
Gee I wonder if they ever heard of a Drivers licence!!

"Are we at last brought to such an humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our own defense? Where is the difference between having our arms under our own possession and under our own direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?"
- Patrick Henry