Kitty getting his breakfast

Old Stony

New member
Had this guy on a feeder camera this morning. I see them occasionally, but not with a meal in their mouth! I like having the cats around, so I leave them alone to share the bounty of the property.
Tree rat doesn't look like he's been done in either. Mind you, I've seen tree rats doing exactly the same thing. Carrying a tree rat in his cake hole.
Squirrels can put up quite a fight.

Never seen one vs. a bobcat, but I've seen a few feral cats and house cats get their lunch-money taken
As far as I am concerned, all the little critters out there are on their own. I don't shoot anything on the property except hogs and deer, and an occasional coon. I have a large amount of coyotes there too, and all I do is feed hogs to them. I do shoot a snake now and then, but something like that is a matter of personal protection as far as I am concerned.
I like that great photo; cool. I was deer hunting when one came trotting by my stand with some sort of critter in his jaws. Couldn't ID what it was.
I'm the same as stony, if it's a native critter doing its own thing, I let them walk.
But if it decides to turn nuisance I'll get them.

I've never hunted a bobcat, but I've had no reason to do so. I've had a couple of goats that I suspected was a cat that killed them.

Coyotes get used to eating domestic stuff and cause problems and I'll get those. Some stay in coyote land doing coyote stuff, those get to continue.

Hunted lots of raccoons, but same treatment.

Pigs always got a bullet, at least the first pig does, lol, the survivors leave in quite the mayhem sometimes hahahahahaha.

Honestly the biggest problem smaller farm animals face is, sadly, feral dogs.
I agree on the feral dog problems. I've had to shoot a couple pit bulls that were chasing the deer on the property. I let them slide the first time I saw it, but when they came past a stand where I was hunting, hot on the heels of the deer that had just come running past me, something had to be done. I really hate having to do something like that.