Kimbers new K6s - anyone actually seen one for sale?


New member
When Kimber announced their new snubby, the K6s, I was excited to handle one once they hit stores. Projected rollout was said to be March. Now we're in April and I can't find anywhere selling them. LGS hasn't heard anything, they aren't on davidsons or gunbroker or anything. Has anyone actually seen one out in the wild?
They said it would be out in March. Did they promise which year that March would fall in? Just askin'! (smile)

My LGS told me they are delayed due to increased production of the Micro 9, probably will be January before they are in any stores.
I have a Kimber .45 and it is best shooting .45 I've owned. Would I buy a Kimber Revolver...No. But only because I don't need one.

Now getting to the video of the firearms instructor having to defend himself. I actually think he put himself in harms way by openly carrying a firearm. If his weapon had been concealed I don't believe he would have needed to use it. Obviously pointing a loaded firearm at another human being doesn't always achieve the result of having the opponent "back off."
They(Kimber) did the same thing a few years back.......advertised a polymer pistol they would be releasing....coming soon.....and after about 1-2 yrs. they stopped the advertising and never released the pistol! This was about the time they were having problems trying to develop an external extractor for their 1911's that they didn't succeed in.
Well they are now on GunBroker, and I'm guessing a number of retailers have them too. Would like to handle one at some point. I'd love to take one apart and see how they have designed the internals. I'm glad Kimber delivered, even if a little late.
This guy doesn't like them. Mostly because they are DAO. He talks about needing SAO in the event that he needs to shoot a bad guy at 40 yards!
He should probably talk to his lawyer first.

The new Kimber could replace my S&W M640Pro, a gun that I have thought was about just right. Six shots is nice, and it doesn't seem to give up anything to my 640. Maybe night sights. The Kimber is slightly heavier, but in a good holster, I wouldn't notice the difference, or care. Take a little of the sting out of full power Magnum loads. Actually, the sights on the Kimber have an advantage over the S&W. My 640 shoots low with all ammo. It is drift adjustable for windage, front and rear, but not elevation. With the night sights, the front blade can not be bobbed a bit to raise the POA. The Kimber looks like it could be. Gives me more ammo choices. I use 158 gr FBI loads but might prefer Speer 135 gr SBGD loads, both in plus pee.

I shoot all my carry handguns out to 50yds, if not more. It's fun, may be useful.
$899? I think if I had a hankering for a $900 revolver, I'd go look for the nicest $900 s&w I could find.
I hope we start seeing more of them available. This is one of the few new handguns that has interested me in a long while.
The $900 price tag is insane.

Kimber better be able to make these for under $250, otherwise I'll buy a Rock Island M206. The ROCK will do everything this Kimber will do and for 1/4th the price.
Model12Win said:
The $900 price tag is insane.

Kimber better be able to make these for under $250, otherwise I'll buy a Rock Island M206. The ROCK will do everything this Kimber will do and for 1/4th the price.
While I don't agree that the Rock Island is a better choice, I do agree the price for a CCW revolver is way to high. If you have to shoot somebody in defense, that gun is getting taken and put into an evidence locker for a long time and even if you're found innocent, you may never get it back.

What benefit the Kimber has over something half its price, like a Ruger LCR in .357, beats me as well as whatever benefit a .357 has in a 2 inch snubbie over .38+P.