Kimber Shoots to the Left


I have a Kimber Pro Elite that shoots to the left about 1 and half inches. This is from a distance of 20 feet. Can someone give me some advice.

Thanks in advance for you help.
First have the gun tested on a bench rest to see if its the gun and not you.

If its not the gun, odds are your using too much trigger finger. Have the trigger shortened to stock 1911 length and get rid of that Chip McCormick grip safety, install one that allows you to grip the gun apropriately.

I have the exact same problem with my Custom Classic, my guess is your overcompensating with your grip because Kimber uses an annoying grip safety and their front strap isn't contoured like Colt's 1911 frames which are machined by hand.
Ditto what MTAA stated.

Before doing anything drastic, benchrest the Kimber first. Shooting low to the left usually means that you need to re-adjust your grip. Another thing to consider is, are you anticipating the recoil at all?

In order of probability:
1. Mashing, if shots are low and left and your are right handed, cure = seek good instruction & go "dry" to get rid of mash/anticipation.
2. To little tigger finger which is pushing the pistol left as trigger is pressed. Cure = install short trigger
3. Sights are off. Make sure front sight is centered on slide, if it is then move rear sight to the right.

Good shooting,

Hey Hube. I'm just west of Marietta. It would be a pleasure if you'd like to meet at a local range sometime....Dan in GA
if mall else fails, check out Army Marksmanship

check out this site: fm 23-45 the US Army Marksmanship manual, just to make sure you are doing every thing "kopasetic" (sp??) before bench testing. I shoot a Kimber Custom Target, reasonably accurately, but when switching to my Dan Wesson model 12 .38/.357 initially I'm shooting low, found I'm pulling down on the trigger. Just a thought, but rereading it occasionally, works for me.