Kimber Range Report w/pics (long)


New member

(I also posted this over at The 1911 Forum)
Some of you may remember back a few weeks ago, I posted that my wife to whom I was married in September bought me a pistol I have drooled over since I first set eyes on one – a 1911 pattern Kimber Ultra CDP. This was my birthday present! Well, it took me a while to get to the range & try it out – actually, almost 3 weeks. Talk about anxious! I finally made it to the club about a week ago, & found some time to snap a few pics so thought I would post a range report. (The Jackass Rig in the pic is new & was a private sale initiated over at The 1911 Forum.)

Although I would guess that most of the “regulars” here already know something about this pistol, I’ll go through a general description for those who may not:

The CDP starts out as a Stainless Ultra Carry. As such, it is the familiar 1911 operating system, which is then wrapped in an aluminum frame and stainless steel slide. Barrel length is a short 3”, and the grip is the chopped “Officer’s ACP” length - .400” shorter than a typical Government model. Kimber advertises that all their 1911 pistols are equipped with match barrels, chambers, & trigger group. Sights are dovetail mounted fixed 3-dot units.

When the Custom Shop gets busy, that match trigger is swapped out for a premium aluminum match trigger, and the front strap is checkered at 30 LPI. A beveled mag well, Meprolight Tritium sights, heavy melt treatment on frame & slide, rosewood hand-checkered grips and black finishing on the frame are also added. The pistol is packaged in a plastic case and comes equipped with a gun lock.

Unfortunately, I sold off the only other 1911 in my possession just over 2 years ago and I don’t have another pistol to shoot side by side with this new addition to report on a meaningful comparison. But I can discuss how it handles and shoots.

ERGONOMICS First off, it is light of weight. Weighing 25 ounces empty and less than 2 lbs when loaded to capacity with Federal Hydra-Shok HP ammunition, it is very easy to point. Along with the shortened grip length, the frame has been relieved under the trigger guard & the beavertail is high enough that about half my pinky is unsupported when my hand is wrapped around the grips. The hand cut checkering on the grips, 20 LPI checkering on the mainspring housing & 30 LPI checkering on the front strap all provide for a secure grip on the pistol. Both of the sights are serrated on the trailing edges to reduce glare; the rear unit of the 3-dot set has the rear edge in an undercut slope to further aid visibility. Upon aiming, the front sight does fill more of the rear sight gap than I prefer. I haven’t done a comparison, but I would guess that these are the same units that are installed on the longer slide CDP pistols. A longer sight radius might improve the picture. However, they are large enough to afford comfortable aim. The slide release is of standard length; I am not able to operate it without changing my firing grip. The ambidextrous safety levers are extended and are easy to operate without shifting for reach. The high rise, extended beavertail grip safety affords reliable protection against painful bite from the Chip McCormick hammer.

In keeping my standard practice with any new semi auto pistol I yanked back the slide, allowing the slide stop to do its job & hold the slide back as it should with an empty mag. I then ejected the mag, and loaded 1 round of Winchester 230 grain FMJ ammo. Pointing the gun downrange, I slid the mag back into the well and after it was locked into position I activated the slide release. The round chambered without incident, and fired when the trigger was pulled with the empty case being sharply ejected and the slide locking back. I then loaded 2 rounds and repeated, then 3, then 4, etc. until I had a full mag load. I always shoot an unfamiliar semi this way as a caution against slam fires and unintentional full auto functioning.
Since all went well with those 28 rounds, I loaded the mag full until I had fired 75 rounds. There were no malfunctions of any kind. I then began shooting the Hyrda-Shoks, which is my intended carry round. Starting by loading 4 round in the clip and quickly proceeding to fully loaded mags, I fired three 20 round boxes. Again, there were no malfunctions of any kind to report. I then finished up with 15 rounds of the FMJ loads. All shooting was done indoors at a distance of 10 yards.
(As this is already a large posting, I didn’t want to horde more bandwidth by posting a target pic. Clicking Here will point your browser to a target pic, shot with the Federal load.)

OBSERVATIONS To be honest, I am grinning from ear to ear because this gun shoots as good as it looks – which it well should for what it cost. Take the unloaded gun and shake it hard – there is an absence of rattling. Checking the fit of the slide on the rails indicates a bare minimum of clearance. The gap around the grip safety is even; only by holding the slide up to a bright light can you detect any light under the bottom of the rear sight – and it is fixed in place by a set screw which pushes the sight up into the dovetail cut. While I assumed that recoil would have the gun pointing upward at better than 45 degrees after each shot, I was pleasantly surprised when that wasn’t the case. The gun rises a little, & seems to twist – but I found I was quickly back on target. Checkering on all the gripping surfaces allowed my grip to maintain position. Recoil was not punishing – in fact, after 150 rounds of 45 ACP, I pulled out my .380 ACP Mustang and sent a 50 round box of Dan’s Novosibirsk down range – I hadn’t practiced with my backup in a while! But – yanking on the plastic trigger of the little Colt after shooting with the crisp match unit on the Kimber was less than pleasant. The match trigger on the Kimber, although not broken in – still seemed to be more consistant of pull than a new trigger should. Now I need to get the Pocketlite to SM&A for some action & trigger work….

In summary, I found this gun to be the defense gun it is advertised to be – easy to carry, reliable with defensive ammunition and probably more accurate than the shooter. It’s expensive to be sure but does include features that if added to a mil-spec gun by a competent pistol smith would be of considerable cost.

For those of you that live in Pennsylvania near the SW corner, my suggested “source of supply” is someone you may know. Dan Tobin of Dan’s is a Kimber Master Dealer. If your curious about them, give him a shout – at least after talking with him you’ll know the best deal going on a Kimber.
I believe that that series of Kimber pistols is one of the best looking guns ever made. I've been told that they are out of my price range, but they are beautiful.
That's a beautiful handgun Kevinch.If only I could stop drooling and if MA would allow them to be sold here.:(
Considerable Kimber experience, including three Ultra-Elite's, brings me to conclude Kimbers are Best Buys.

Metal ones, that is....
I also have an Ultra CDP and could make a similarly favorable report. My short range accuracy is acceptable in my opinion, but I really need some more time at the range to keep the holes grouping nicely at 25yds.

My question: The last time at the range w/the Ultra, I 'think' I noticed the slide was cycling slower. If so, could it be attributed to limp wristing / tired hand or getting dirty (fired 150rds)? FWIW, I had been at the range for awhile at that point and had already fired another pistol 150rds. Was my hand tired or the gun dirty?

Three Ultra Elites? I hope you were adding to your collection each time and weren't replacing them?!

Navy Joe wrote:
Nice report, I want one to! The only thing you left out is does your wife have a single sister?
Thanks for the compliment. Sorry, her sister is married!

Pirate wrote:
That's a beautiful handgun Kevinch.If only I could stop drooling and if MA would allow them to be sold here.
Thank you Pirate. As far as the Republic of MA (sorry - it angers me!), Kimber is now coming out with the "II" models which have a firing pin safety similar to the series 80 Colts except that it is deactivated by the grip safety, not the trigger. Might this help with sales in your state?

Johnny Rad wrote:
My question: The last time at the range w/the Ultra, I 'think' I noticed the slide was cycling slower. If so, could it be attributed to limp wristing / tired hand or getting dirty (fired 150rds)? FWIW, I had been at the range for awhile at that point and had already fired another pistol 150rds. Was my hand tired or the gun dirty?
Can't answer that one Johnny, sorry. I put about 150 rounds thru my gun during that range session & honestly have to say I didn't notice anything like that. Could be that you are more alert than I am though.

I would like to get some longer distance shooting in also, but will wait until the weather gets better before I head to the outdoor range. I should have mentioned that all shooting was done off-hand & I use a modified Weaver stance.
slower my custom royal, i too noticed slower cycling, but shooting dirty junk, i still get 250 rounds + out of it each time, with out a hiccup ever yet. Works fine, but does slow down when tight tollerances get gummed up with burn biproduct.
Great photo too. I thought I was looking at a professional ad for Galco or Kimber. Very nicely done.
Ian11 wrote:

Great photo too. I thought I was looking at a professional ad for Galco or Kimber. Very nicely done.

Thanks Ian - the digital camera is a real boon to the pure amature like myself, who needs to take a whole bunch of shots before getting 1 right!
I never thought I'd want a 1911-style pistol until I first saw this one several months ago. And now you've REALLY whetted my appetite for one. Beautiful gun. US made too! :D
Now I just need to come up with some dual uses for it to justify it to the wife:

Useful for removing those really tough-to-clean dish spots? No...
Long-range fly swatter? No...
Paper hole punch? No...
Dang! ;)
i have a regular classic custom stainless that works great, so i know kimbers are nice. in fact, my old kimber's reliability undoubtedly sold me on a cdp.

however, i was pretty surprised when it bought an ultra cdp. it has failed in a variety of ways, quite frequently. it had failures to feed, premature slide lockback, failures to go fully into battery. the failures to feed have become infrequent over the course of about 700 rounds through the gun, but it still locks back prematurely & doesn't go fully into battery from time to time.

these problems happen with various sorts of ball as well as various JHP.

as johnny rad mentions, it feels strange when i fire it. i don't notice the slide motion of most 1911's. i guess it usually happens too fast to notice. however on this cdp, it not only feels exceptionally slow, but kinda uneven. just down right strange like there's a weight floppin around during the cycling.

in any event, i guess i'll have to send it off to the factory. i hate having to send off something so expensive because it doesn't work.

i hope the rest of you have much better luck :)
Great review and stunning pic. Definately looks like a professional photo. Congrats on the awesome pistol.