Kimber not locking back

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Got a new Kimber Classic Stainless, was cleaning and putting back together, put empty magazine in to check out, and quess what. It did not lock back! Talk about being perplexed. I have a Kimber Classic Target in stainless that has worked flawlessly for two years.

Started to do some checking. My shooting stars that work great in my old Kimber, do
not lock back in my new one. Pulled out the magizine and the one from the old Kimber that came from the factory, they locked back. Checked a couple of Chip McCormick 10 rounders, it locked back. Next some old blue colt mags, locked back. Pulled the slide stop out of the old Kimber, put in the new one. Shooting stars work fine now.

I compared the two slide stops, the old one looks "longer" than the new one. As the new one works for some mags and the one it came with, I question calling Kimber and asking for a new slide stop. Thinking about ordering a new slide stop from Brownells.

Has anyone else had this problem.

Call Kimber! This is the only flaw
that some Kimbers have. They will
probably send you a new slide stop.
It could also be the magazine
follower. Call Kimber & give us a
full report.

See my post on this subject .. [Link to invalid post]

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper
Thanks Bubba. Called Kimber, and told them about the problem. A new slide stop is on the way. If that does not work, I am going to get one from either Wilson Combat or Ed Brown. I will post results.

johnboy, I'm following (forgive the pun) this with great interest, because yesterday, after two previous trips to the range, my Wilson magazine stopped locking back in my Ultra Carry. Strange feeling! Can anyone give me a clear idea of what exactly happens when an empty magazine locks back the slide on these guns? I am thinking that the plastic follower isn't "signaling" the slide-stop correctly. Would going with all Chip-McCormick mags help? Heck, I paid $28 for the Wilson, you would hope that the damned thing would work.


PS: While at the range, the next guy over swapped me his Colt 1991 so he could try out the Ultra. The 1991 jammed _twice_ shooting round-nose FMJ... no THANKS! I'll stick with my Kimber.
Moss; this is just a thought. Could you be limp wristing the gun? This will cause FTF's and failure of the slide to lock back, due to the reduced velocity of the slide.

If the fellow next to you wasn't experiencing jams, then you had two in one mag with his gun, it could be you have unknowingly developed a bad habit.

I won't deny the possibility, but I usually latch onto those babies like my life depended on it. The first jam happened, I cycled the slide to clear it, and the next round jammed when I released the slide to let it pick up the next bullet off the magazine... damnedest thing.
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