Kimber Micro 9 Polymer

He said it best, weights more than a G26 and barely smaller than a G26.

He is also wrong about the P365 he likes more. The P365 now does come standard with optics ready with the P365X that I just bought for $30 more than a regular $500 P365.
He is also wrong about the P365 he likes more. The P365 now does come standard with optics ready with the P365X that I just bought for $30 more than a regular $500 P365.

When there are versions of a firearm that don’t come with an optics cut I don’t know how you can say that firearm comes “standard” with an optics cut. Standard generally means across all versions. This is true even if the version with optics is not much more cost wise.

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Optic Cuts on a Micro Pistol are so incredibly superfluous...

Honestly, by attaching an optic to a Micro Pistol you're adding mass/weight to a concealed carry firearm which is meant to be carried concealed, deployed quickly, and used at close range, thus making it entirely detrimental towards its own role.

But hey, I can't fault firearms manufacturers for cashing in on the latest worthless trend in firearms at minimal cost to them.

I wonder how long it will be before optic cuts on micro-pistols are rightfully compared to the hooked trigger guards of decades past.
Optic Cuts on a Micro Pistol are so incredibly superfluous...

Honestly, by attaching an optic to a Micro Pistol you're adding mass/weight to a concealed carry firearm which is meant to be carried concealed, deployed quickly, and used at close range, thus making it entirely detrimental towards its own role.

But hey, I can't fault firearms manufacturers for cashing in on the latest worthless trend in firearms at minimal cost to them.

I wonder how long it will be before optic cuts on micro-pistols are rightfully compared to the hooked trigger guards of decades past.

I disagree. The weight we’re talking about here is around 1.2 oz with a battery, and that’s for a “larger” red dot like a Trijicon RMR as opposed to some of the even smaller red dots designed for these micro compacts. Are you adding some bulk to the top of the slide? Yes, but I don’t find it impacts concealment notably at either a strong side or appendix carry position.

If you want to shoot reflexively with a pistol with a red dot you can do it just like you can with a pistol without a red dot. For my eyes red dots are beneficial as I can see the dot clearer relative to the target than I can a front sight (which for me is a function of my astigmatism, but age can have similar effects as well). Superimposing a dot on the target also allows more target focus than aligning a front sight in a rear notch and maintaining a front sight focus. I don’t see red dots on pistols going away anytime soon.

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Interesting that he states there are two other major manufacturers that are releasing micro 9’s very soon.

I wasn't expecting that from Kimber and it looks like it will do well. This Fall is going to be a good time to buy if you are looking for a new CCW.
GAME CHANGER! (god, I hate that phrase)

It appears the R7 is especially designed for a Red Dot. A new Bold move in the evolution of Hi cap micro pistols with dots. I see it weighs about 21 or 22 oz's so a little heavier, but that could be a good thing, and since extra rounds increase these Micro's anyway, just go ahead and accept the weight.
The side ejection port shows that Kimber thought this one out for Red Dots. Smart move IMO on Kimber. Lol, I wonder if the others like Sig and Hellcat etc are saying "Oh, crap, now we have to redesign." Expect to see Sig 365 XL's in the used shelves.

I think the R7 will be a winner for sure. I recently acquired a Sig Xl with dot. Not my fit, so maybe, just maybe I might trade up.
Then again, I am happy with my other single stacks. Might just trade for a Kimber K6. Yea, now that would be nice.

PS the woman in the video sure seemed to like the R7. I wonder how a side ejection port handles with a malfunction. Seems like it would be a little clumsy. It will be interesting to fine out.
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I don’t plan on selling my XL any time soon. I can go hundreds of rounds without any fouling on my red dot stopping me from shooting, so the closed top may not be a bad idea, but for me it’s a solution in search of a problem (or at least perhaps not something that’s “game changing” for red dot usage).

I think it makes sense for Kimber to release this product and try to get a part of the pie, but we’ll have to see how the market responds. To wild cat’s credit he called it not long after the P365 was released when he said everyone would have to come out with a competing product. I myself thought that would eventually be true, but frankly not as quickly or as widespread as we’re seeing now.

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I wonder if things will turn back around. I remember when Lasers were so hot and everyone buying one. I use to get so sick of seeing so many red and green dots shooting around every where at the indoor range like some kind of LSD trip. Now seldom seem them The Micro's now seem to be getting heavier and more bulky all the time.
Heck, I saw where a guy bought a 12 rd magazine and then bought Mag Guts to give two more rounds for his 365. I had to laugh, just how far are they going to take this? Where will it end?
EDC is becoming like more like Combat duty arms rather than Practical carry. But each to his own. What ever makes a person feel comfortable. In essence that is the name of the game anyway.
Heck, I saw where a guy bought a 12 rd magazine and then bought Mag Guts to give two more rounds for his 365. I had to laugh, just how far are they going to take this? Where will it end?

With a .25 ACP Long (.25 stretched to roughly the length of the 9mm) allowing 18 to 20 or more rounds in the "micro" frame sized pistol? :)
Kimber Solo was total crap. I was looking to pick one up, but never saw a great long term review. So I do think customers should be wary of Kimber from the get go.

Additionally, Kimber is covering the top barrel hood. I don't know if they've discovered something EVERY gun manufacturer has missed, but I doubt it. Is that going to be a wear point on the inside of the slide? Could that lead to cracking slides? Does that hurt ejection? If the extractor breaks, is it still going to function like most guns do, ie where the rounds tumble up and out? That is the weirdest part of the gun to me.

Well, next to it weighing more than a double stack. The PM9/PF-9 single stacks were for the pocket. Size AND weight are critical for this group.

Finally, I dislike this reviewer dude. It's a cadence of put down then how cool am I. "I called the Kimber Solo ****, but they still sent me the R7." All his videos are him pumping his chest. He also doesn't know more than everyone knows. HK is going to release a single stack. Their patent plans are out for all to see.

I would guess a new Walther single/double stack will be next to replace the PPS M2.

I bet dollars for donuts, single stacks won't even be produced soon WHEN every manufacturer has a double stack.

What will change the pocket gun game isn't double/single stacks, it's a single stack like the Diamondback DB9 which is the exact same size as the LCP. It will just have to function, unlike the DB9.

I like to buy most (still no glock so far!), but this won't be bought. Meh. I'm sure someone will. Dollars to donuts, the P365 does everything better on paper.
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Kimber Solo was total crap. I was looking to pick one up, but never saw a great long term review. So I do think customers should be wary of Kimber from the get go.

Finally, I dislike this reviewer dude. It's a cadence of put down then how cool am I. "I called the Kimber Solo ****, but they still sent me the R7." All his videos are him pumping his chest. He also doesn't know more than everyone knows. HK is going to release a single stack. Their patent plans are out for all to see.

You yourself call the Kimber Solo total crap in the first sentence, so unless you follow the same “put down then how cool am I” cadence then maybe he was just acknowledging that Kimber hasn’t had the best products in this segment. I took it as a compliment to Kimber that even though he had given them a negative review in the past they still sent him this new product for review.

It’s always been interesting to me how people can find certain comments offensive. It’s part of the reason I never started doing video reviews of my own. It seems exhausting to have people take offense at things that you might see as innocuous.

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I guess you are talking about James Reeves. I have always enjoyed his reviews. He has a good sense of humor as well. I would not know if the Solo was crap. Never owned one. I knew a few guys that did and loved them.
As far as the Kimber R7, I have to ask. Why not wait and see before so much disparagement from a gun you have not even shot yet?
Personally I am not into the red dot for practical Carry. But this new Kimber seems to have a lot of good things going for it. And again, I think the added weight might be a good thing. Red Dots IMO are not for close shooting. I do not go out very far in training/Practice so they do not work for me. If I did shoot at 25yds and practiced at that yardage on a regular basis, then YES, I would have to have one.
I have the Sig XL but not a good fit. From the Pictures I have seen this gun might be more of what I would choose. Regardless, It will be fun or interesting to check out down the road.
Actually for a Red Dot, I might just put one on my SR9C. Heck, only 23oz and can easily use a 17 round mag if I do not want to just go 10+1.
I have not understood why the Keltec was discontinued. I would not be surprised if you do not see something similar come along. (without a Red Dot)
Kimber makes an all-metal pistol called Micro 9, so, of course, I thought this was about the introduction of a polymer framed version, but . . . it's not.