kimber mag


New member
i recently purchased a kimber kimpro tacmag to see if it would feed my 1911 lead bullitts,my wilson wont feed more than 2 or 3 at a time.the kimber mag was 23.00 as opposed to 37.00 for the seems to be a well made mag.any other shooters try this mag and have feedback?thanks in advance.:rolleyes:
The CMC Powermags or Wilson 47D works for me. The stock Kimber magazine that came with the pistol wouldn't feed reliably. After getting those no more FTFs. I only paid $27.00 for my Wilson magazine.
They are OK, but not nearly as good a magazine as the Wilson 47D or the CMC Powermag.

For 37.00, you can buy the best, a Tripp Research Cobra Mag.