Kimber K6 revolver

Chambered in the devastating .357 magnum manstopper and with 6 rounds vs the 5 in other compact carry revolvers, the Kimber K6 is set to take the revolving belt pistol market by storm methinks. Excellent guns!
Wait, was that sarcasm? I think I know sarcasm when I see it but wasn't sure without the smiley. :D :p

If it was a couple hundred dollars cheaper, I don't think you'd be wrong.
A .357 round in a 2" barrel gun is useless. Not enough barrel length to maximize the round. Better to just use a .38 +P round.
Quote ,from Snubbyfan "A .357 round in a 2" barrel gun is useless. Not enough barrel length to maximize the round. Better to just use a .38 +P round."

I once thought that myself .... Just to many " proofs " that proved that idea was wrong ,...,

When you start with higher velocities you end up with higher velocities..
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The .357 "mangle 'em" made a reputation as the King of the Streets back in the 80s.

This whole "not better than a .38 +P in a snub" is utter BS. It proved it's stopping power during it's heyday.
snubbyfan said:
I just don't see the cartridge, in a snubby, reaching it's potential in a close encounter scenario.
While a full-house .357Mag load usually doesn't reach its full potential out of a 2" barrel, it typically still outperforms .38+P by a BIG margin.

Let's take your typical 125gr .357Mag load that delivers ~1,600 fps from a 6" barrel. If you chop the barrel from 6" to 2", it may only deliver 1,300 fps, but that's still a heckuva lot more energy on target than a typical 125gr .38+P at ~1,000 fps!
Given all the LEO hearing problems resulting from firing 357 without ear protection it amazes me it is still so popular. Isn't there a retired officer on here with permanent ringing and damage from firing one shot indoors?
Yeah the .357 has a definitely more intense noise level. I shoot .38sp, 9mm, .41 mag, .223, 7.62x39, and .357 mag and when I'm shooting .357 mag full magnum loads I also put ear plugs in under my ear muffs.