Kimber Jammamatic - Conclusion

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New member
My brand new Gold Match failed to feed right out of the box so I sent it to Kimber's Custom Shop on 11-10-99. I got the pistol back today, 11-15-99 only four business days from shipping to return.

Kimber "opened" the breech face and replaced the slide stop. While they were at it they performed the most incredible trigger job with zero creep and zero over travel. Darned impressive trigger job.

The pistol works just fine now. Sure, the darn thing should have functioned right out of the box, but it did not. At least Kimber passed the warranty repair test with flying colors. Obviously, they repaired it the day they received it and shipped it back either that day or the next.

Another satisfied Kimber customer (but I still pack my G27).
Opened the breech face does that mean they polished the breech face? Replaced the slide stop. How did they reduce the creep and overtravel in the trigger? By polishing?

Can you outshoot accuracy wise your Kimber with your Glock?
After eight or so shots from the Kimber, the Glock's a lot more accurate. Prior to that, I'd make bets on the Kimber. (For accuracy, that is, assuming that the thing actually fired.)
Ankeny, glad to hear that Kimber resolved your problem. The only time I had dealings with their customer service, they jumped right on it also.

Walter, my two Kimbers have accuracy that I wished my Glock had. And my Stainless Target has over 2000 rds through it without any failures to feed or function with decent ammo. It did not like some reloads I tried once, but nobody elses .45 liked them either.

If my glock would shoot as good as my kimbers, I would have used it this weekend at a combat match I shot. As it were, I shot with my kimber gold march, and took first place out of 43. BTW there was only 1 glock there, and he DNF'ed. Dont get me wrong, I have 4 glocks, but they aren't worth a crap for accuracy past 20 yards.

10MM Magnum.... tried the rest, now I got the best

Those are exactly the same remedies that Kimber performed on my Pro Carry (in addition to polishing the extractor).

Guess what? The gun still mis-fed numerous brands of hollowpoint ammunition and threw the brass back at my face a few time.

Goodbye, Kimber, hello Springfield was my answer. Perhaps I was just unlucky.


For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu
I think Walter was alluding to the fact that after 8 rounds, the Kimber is empty while the Glock is half-full (or half-empty...).
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