Kimber Custom CDP -- 5 owners' comments on the full size model


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hey all,

there's very little information out there on this model, so I've been backtracking closed auctions on the usual sites and emailing the people who purchased the new fullsized CDP. FYI, here are their replies (with identifying information deleted) -- thanks again to these gentlemen for their time and assistance:

Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 08:34:22 -0400

I have only put about 200 rounds through the Custom CDP. No failures at all so far. Nice trigger, around 4 lbs. and crisp. I expect further break in will help. I was disappointed to find that the fixed sights are shooting about 2-3 inches left at 50' and a bit high for my preference. The elevation is fine for a six o'clock hold. I called Kimber about the sights because I was going to adjust them myself but first wanted to make sure I did so correctly. I was told that because the sights are fitted so tight in the dovetail I should either use a sight adjuster tool or send the slide to Kimber and they would do it at no charge. Typical nylon/brass punch would more then likely damage the sights. I haven't sent the slide back yet but I plan to soon. The gun shoots nice tight groups however and when the sights are adjusted it will be a keeper. I did find that the lighter weight aluminum Kimber frame doesn't soak up quite as much recoil as my all steel 1911. Depending on the kind of shooting you do that may be worth considering. I shoot mostly IDPA and I don't think it will be an issue. Good luck!

Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 12:31:52 -0700 (PDT)

Hey, how's it going? Well, the pistol basically improved the second time. Great reliability! No ftf of any sort; all ammo fed reliably and shot to POA (just needed that break-in. The pistol fits my hand very well, 30 LPI on the front strap and 20 LPI on the mainspring housing helping out on getting a firm grip on it during rapid fire. On the second session as well, I installed back the factory recoil spring which is 16 lbs. and the pistol remained reliable as can be; I did notice the recoil was more though. Finish is holding up so far after being holstered/reholstered in a Galco Royal Guard (horsehide) holster.

Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2001 22:01:00 -0500

The CDP full size is a well made pistol. I had a couple of issues with the rear sight fit, which Kimber sorted out promptly and gave me a couple of mags for the trouble, the pistol was away from me for three days in total, so no complaints about their service. The CDP shoots very well, but I can't tell if it is more accurate than my Classic Stainless, but that is most probably my shooting ability rather than anything else. I find the Classic Stainless is faster for follow up shots due to it's heavier weight, but I am more familiar with the Classic than the CDP and would expect my ability with the CDP to improve with practice. The appearance and overall finish of the CDP are very good and for the money I think it is good value. I contemplated a Baer TR, but couldn't justify the cost. The CDP is an excellent pistol for carry, shoots well, and is well made. Some people seem to knock Kimber's, especially compared to Baer's and the like, but it is half the price of many custom 1911's and will no doubt stand the test of time. Hope that helps.

Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2001 19:48:28 -0500

The dealer was very fast in delivering my order to the FFL so you don't have to worry about that. As for the gun, it is perfect. I've fired many kimbers before and this is the best one (course i might be a little biased with it being mine and all) I have been VERY impressed with the accuracy and the quality of it. The dehorning and finish make it look unique and everyone who i show it to is impressed with it's appearance and performance. One thing they mention is how much lighter it is compared to other fullsize 1911's. The only failures i've had with it is with the clip that came with it. It is not one of the best and it has some trouble extracting the last round from it. I've tried some other clips with my gun and have not had any problems with it. I will recently be getting a couple of wilson combat clips, those are supposed to be the best. After firing my gun two of my friends are seriously considering buying one. Overall i think it is worth the extra money. Hope this helps you with your decision.

Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 23:01:35 EDT

I have all four of the CDP series. The Full Size is great. I just finished a 1000 advanced self defense pistol class last weekend and used the Full Size CDP. It is the best out of the box pistol I have ever dealt with. Well worth the $$
Thanks for the hard work to make this post happen. I won't be buying one of these pistols but it was interesting reading so many reviews of the same pistol. I am a fan of Kimber and currently own two but I decided to make my next 1911 a Rock River. I ordered it today and will have 9 months to save up for it and it's not that much more than a CDP.
(wow, what's going on with the dbase here?)

yeah, I'm shopping around for a full size 1911 and just can't stop flipping to the CDP page in the Kimber catalog -- thought others might be interested to know what I'd learned in looking around. gotta contribute to the collective knowledge, you know.

good luck with the RR!