Kimber Compact reliability


New member
I tried Kimber Compact in gun store and liked it very much, but I've heard that Kimber Compact not as reliable as other Kimbers. Any personal experience with it?

Thank you in advance

This is only hearsay, but I've heard that 1911 type autos less than 4 1/4" barrel length have reliability problems. The Commander length Colts are the shortest recommended.

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1785
I have a Kimber Compact in stainless with a bit over 400 rounds thru it, so I consider it still in 'break-in'. I have the McCormick Shooting Star that came with it, and 2 Wilson combat OMs. FWIW, I've had 1 FTF (Wilson mag), one failure to lock back the slide (McCormick), both with S&B 230 gr hardball at around the 250 round mark. The first 200 rnds were flawless (using S&B 230 FMJ, Win Silvertip 185 gr, & Fed H/S 230 gr.). I consider this to be acceptable, given the newness of the gun. Otherwise, it handles beautifully, nice balance, very accurate. I like this gun, a lot. M2
I had a Kimber Compact Aluminum parkerized for a while, put just under a thousand rounds through it with no jams.
They are good, I'm not a fan of McCormick sites or mags so I had Novak's install the lo-mounts with a tune up, paid the $ for Wilson mags - money well spent. The stainless
compact has never jammed, accurate. Customer service?(don't hold your breath).
One Kimber is as poor as any other Kimber. Lose 'em.

"Those who cannot understand safe design nor fine trigger mechanics need not consider the 1911, for them, the Glock is a fine weapon, since it has neither!"---by Me.
I put 50 through a Kimber stainless Compact 4 nights ago for the 2nd time. I had 4 stovepipes versus 1 out of a 100 in a Keltec P11. How about a Colt Defender or a Para-Ordnance?
Frontsight said:
>>One Kimber is as poor as any other Kimber. Lose 'em.<<

If that's true, then every Kimber is dead on perfect, since all four of mine have been. You don't seem to have much going in the way of credibility.

[This message has been edited by RikWriter (edited December 16, 1999).]
zentao: I carry a Kimber Pro Elite, which is similar to the compact but with a full size frame. I've had maybe 2 malf's in about 1000 rounds(both due to lubrication/mags). I highly recommend Wilson mags.

Strength does not come from physical capacity.
It comes from an indomitable will. -- Mahatma Gandhi
RikWriter: Haven't you notices how many people complain about malfs in Kimbers? I'm NOT the only one. You happened to get lucky, but there are a lot of folks out there who have had nothing but trouble, both from the gun and the customer service...Ford made a few Pinto's that DIDN'T blow up, but did that make it a safe car?

"Those who cannot understand safe design nor fine trigger mechanics need not consider the 1911, for them, the Glock is a fine weapon, since it has neither!"---by Me.
I think people complain more loudly about Kimber because for so long we were told that they were making "perfect" 1911's. It's like debunking any myth--people's reactions tend toward the opposite extreme, thinking that if it's no longer "really good" I must logically be "really bad."

Actually, Kimber is doing two things with which I'm surprised they've had any success: 1) cobbling together complete guns with very tight tolerances using parts from heaven knows how many suppliers AND 2) doing so on a mass production type scale. Think what SIG's would be like if slide, frame, magazine, slide stop and trigger group had been made in separate factories...

What's really unforgivable in my mind is poor customer service. That just seals Kimber's fate if it's even half as bad as we'vebeen hearing. Knock wood-I've not yet had cause to try it out.
No Frontsight, I haven't been one of the "lucky ones." Almost everyone who has bought a Kimber has been one of the "lucky ones." YOU have had bad luck, as have a handful of other people, and you won't be satisfied apparently until you make everyone who doesn't know any better agree with you. Sorry, not gonna sit by while you spin that yarn.
As for ShooterDave, sorry, you're wrong. Kimber doesn't "cobble together" pistols using parts from "who knows where." All their parts are Chip McCormick, made right in their factory.
Just more disinformation from those with axes to grind.
Rikwriter: I have no axe to grind with Kimber (I really, really like the one Kimber I own), but their
customer service IS spotty as is their QC. Yes, you're right "cobbled" isn't the right word for most of their
guns but it is for a few. And no Kimber does not use all McCormick parts--hell, my magazine has "Made
in Italy" stamped on it.

Kimber makes good guns, but not great guns--the sooner we accept this the sooner we'll all stop expecting
them to deliver the moon along with each of their 1911's.
I own a Kimber Compact and like it very much.
It is more accurate than I am and I'm a pretty fair shot. The main problem I've had
is adjusting to the lightweight frame. I'm
having to work on my grip and practice a lot
to hold it as steady as my steel-framed
Commander. Hogue Fingergroove grips and Wilson Combat Mags w/ bumper pads have helped
me get a better grip.
I believe in giving a well-made pistol a
chance to break-in and doing a lot of practice before giving up on it.(I can actually shoot my Glock G23 better on double
taps) I dont think you'll be disappointed
w/ the Kimber. If you dont like it, the resale is good.
Please see my post under the thread "Kimber...strange thing on invoice" or something like that. I don't know how to or even if I can move it, but it bears on this matter better.
Sorry ShooterDave, you're still wrong. The magazines are made in Italy? Give me a frigging break! So you think Colt makes their own mags? Kimber went to MecGar mags because some of their compact pistols had problems with McCormick mags...MecGars have a solid plastic follower, whereas the McCormicks have a skeleton follower that can get snagged and cause malfunctions.
I have a Kimber Compact that has been utterly reliable for several thousand rounds.
I've only shot Ball and Federal PDA's through it.
One of the things about the Kimber Compact that has not been mentioned on this thread is that the slide is actually longer than the Colt "Officers" Compact, but shorter than a Commander.
The reason they went to a slightly longer slide was strictly reliability. I think that shows real grit on Kimbers part - it would have been easy to simply copy everyone elses model but they redrew it from the ground up and created their own.

I haven't had to deal with Kimber Customer Service because both of my Kimbers have worked flawlessly from the box. I suspect Kimber is a victim of their own success. They've grown faster than they've been prepared for and you are seeing the teething difficulties now. Give them six months or a year and they'll be everyones darling again.

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page:
I have the Kimber stainless aluminum compact, it is the first 1911 I've owned. It is my favorite firearm. here is its history:

Out of the box incredably accurate. first 600 rounds not a single problem.

Around the 600 round mark I tried various boxes of premimum HP carry ammo as a function test. The kimber ate everthing with the exception of Federal Personal Defense hydra shock jhp 165gr. For some reason (probally had something to do with the harmonics of the gun) the firing pin stop would drop down and catch the hammer while firing this stuff (4 times in a box of 20 rounds) I went on to fire 100s of rounds of other types of ammo after that with out any trouble. I called Kimber and told them about this and they sent me a new firing pin, firing pin stop, and spring to see if it would stop the problem (no questions asked, no proof of purchase ect.) I never tried it (decided I liked Gold Dots better anyway).

At a little over 2000 rounds I sent the gun to Kimber and had the slide and frame "Melted" (I was starting to shoot IDPA). The gun came back to me in about 10 days work was excelent.

At around 3500 rounds one of the plunger tube stakes (feet) sheared off. The gun was still able to fire but the plunger tube was loose (this holds the detents for the slide lock and safety) I sent the frame to Kimberfor repair and got it back in less than a week.

Next 500 rounds, one stovepipe, when the gun was fired without a magazine in it.

Then a couple of months ago the acid test. A weekend Tactical class that required around 350 rounds, followed the next weekend by a IDPA match that required around 100 rounds, and just for the fun of it around another 100 rounds at the range. No cleaning for around 550 rounds, No problems.

I'm now at around 5000 rounds and the gun is still able to shoot better than I can.

As I said it is my favorite Gun :)

Well here is my 2cents worth. I have two kimbers. One Classic Stainless and one Compact Stainless. The classic was purchased new. The compact was used but not by much.

I called kimber to get a manual and take down tool for the compact and when I inquired as to payment the young lady said there would be no charge. I again explained to her that I bought the gun used. She said that was okay and there was no charge. My stuff arrived in three days. With a thank you note on my purchasing a Kimber (used). Hell to me that was great customer service. They went beyond what I expected and for a used gun to boot.

My next 1911 will be a kimber stainless target or gold cup... either one will be fine I am sure.

I tried to get some information for my NEW browning A-5 12 gauge and I was told that I had to call this number and that number and finally was told that I could order the catalog for 5.00 dollars, with a major credit card. I love brownings but their c.s. was horrible and I bought their shotgun NEW.

Kimber is better than I can shot and never given a minutes problem either with feeding or firing. All my mags are stock Kimbers and they work fine.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years.

Hope you have been good enough to get a Kimber from Santa......bad little boys get just kidding.....

Judge Blackhawk