Kimber Compact or Custom Classic?

I was surprised how little difference there is in felt recoil

I fully expected the Compact Custom to recoil much more than the five inch. The fact is, there was very little difference. However, I shoot a five inch much better at ranges beyond 15 yards. Strictly for a range gun, I much prefer the full size pistols. If you are going to carry it also, the Compact is a great choice.
For a range gun, get the full size. That will have a bit less recoil (not much different, though). The main thing is that the full-size has a longer site radius. That makes a big difference.

For carry purposes, however, I carry my Kimber Compact much more than my full size. Much easier for me to conceal.

What Jack said. I've got both, and they feel pretty much alike in shooting, and seem to be similarly accurate (both are more accurate than I am ;)).

I'm using the full size as a range gun, I've added a fibre optic front sight (Lightning Rod from Brazos Custom) and an MMC adjustable rear (necessitated by the fact that the new front sight is .055 taller than the stock Kimber front sight). The glowing red dot up front is a boon for over 50 eyes

The Comapct is a carry gun or is on the night stand.

Neither is a bad choice:)