Kimber CDP II


New member
I was in B&B guns today, and fell in love with a Glock G35, and with a Kimber marked CDPII, or CDP2. I went to Kimbers webbsight, and learned some about the CDP, but found nothing on the II? Anyone know what that means (im gussing CA legal or some b.s.)? Also the price was on the steep side ($1020) but i did a search here and saw some paid in the low $900's for their cdp's.

What do you all think of this gun, what the II is for, and if i should get it.

(Oh, and im not trying to choose between the Glock and the Kimber,- just thinking about getting both for their sepparate merrits., I'm kinda a jackass collector of sorts and just love to shoot and own lots of stuff.)

Thanks all.
Ironballs (interesting handle:),
The CDP II has a firing pin safety that is built into the grip safety. Sorry, but according to Kimber the II design will be incorporated into all of their firearms. The first ones were sent to Cali but guns shipped to all states will have this "upgrade" as they call it.
Thats the series 80 trigger thing over the series 70 to pass the drop tests. My other Kimber is series 70, and has a beter trigger. So how hard is it to switch to the better feeling trigger?
Thats the series 80 trigger thing over the series 70 to pass the drop tests. My other Kimber is series 70, and has a beter trigger. So how hard is it to switch to the better feeling trigger?

From what I have read, the new firing pin safety supposedly does not affect the traditional Kimber trigger pull. I believe it works off the grip safety - grap the pistol & depress the grip safety to disengage the firing pin safety.

Also the price was on the steep side ($1020) but i did a search here and saw some paid in the low $900's for their cdp's.

In my neck of the woods, you can find a CDP all day long for $959 and with a little work, $939. Put some time into it & you can get down close to $900.
Kimber has been stressing like crazy that this system (quite different from the series 80 pin block) does not affect the trigger at all, since it has nothing to do with it. The grip safety connects directly with the firing pin block.

If the thing works as advertised, and proves to be reliable (not freezing up the firing pin as some series 80 guns do) I'm all for it. I'm perfectly comfortable with carrying in condition 1 with the classic "series 70" (or 1911) system, but it's an extra bit of comfort (at least for legal purposes, anyway). Many police departments won't approve guns that don't have a firin pin block. We can discuss the actual merits if we want, but the fact is, this system might make people actually use the guns...
$$ is still high for me, and ive seen some online for $890 new (auction) but my ffl will charge another 10% of that and then all the hastle to save $30 at that point. Not worth the hastle. I guess its just a matter of 'love it enough to justify all that cash or not.'

If you want to live in sunny CA- you gotta pay to play i guess. Ill just try to haggle a bit, but take it for what i can get. F'n supply in demmand.

Try Sharpshooters in Torrance, they are also Kimber Master Dealers and sell for under B&B prices. Last time I was there they had some CDP II's in stock.

Sharpshooters (ask for Fred)
1827 West 208th Street
Torrance, CA 90501

Off 405 at Western, go South about 3/4 mile, turn Right on 208th.

Good shooting,
