Kimber called...


New member
I posted a few weeks ago asking for help deciding between the Kimber Custom Target and the Dan Weson 1911. I took the advise of the Kimber owners and picked one up today.
Thanks for all the replies.
Turns out, the only DW dealer was 2 hours away and when I called, they didn't sound like they wanted my money all that much.
Next question. Is it normal to have an uncontrolable urge to customize a 1911 right out of the gate?
Supress that urge. Limit yourself to fancy grips at first, and then modify only what you feel must be changed. I've gone gaga in the past, only to later wish I hadn't taken a file to it.
Take dsk's advice to heart. He speaks the truth.
I have been there. I am sure there are very likely many more here who have similar experiences.
Wants and needs are two very different things.
It took me a long time and a lot of $ to realize that.
Cool is cool..... but do you really need it? ;)