
New member
Went to range today. Shot my Kimber Gold Match. Don't have the usual complaints as many others on this board (misfeeds, jams, wont hold slide open). My problem is ACCURACY!! When I shoot my friend's Springfield Trophy Match, it seems like my groups are tight and my shot placement is superb. With my Kimber I can't put a two shot group together. First I used my friends reloads, which were lead semi-wadcutters. Then I used Blazer 230gr. ball. I do notice that the sights are better on the Springfield ( Higher and thiner so more daylight comes through on the sides) but should this be the entire problem? I feel like I can't shoot the Kimber any better that a bottom of the line 1911 whatever. Any comments will be appreciated. Thanks! TWOINCHGROUP52.
Just read manual again. It says to tighten the allen screw on side of sight to better insure that it doesn't shift. I've never done this. Maybe this is the problem. Anybody have the same experience?
I have the "Custom Target". It shoots 3" groups with standard ball ammo all day long.

I assume it will do better than that with match ammo but I've never tried.

You don't give your group size, and I'm not sure what you're expecting. I would definitely tighten the allen screw as the manual indicates then shoot a variety of ammo. Just because your friends reloads shoot great in his gun doesn't mean they'll be tack drivers in yours. You'll have to find the ammo that works best with your piece.

I once had a heavily customized Colt that would shoot 1 1/2" with standard Winchester ball ammo. Every match ammo I experimented with shot over 2" or much worse. I have no idea why this cheap ball ammo should work so well in this particular gun.

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page:
Well at least you have a Kimber. Mine (Stainless Gold Match) went back to the factory for the second time two weeks ago and I have no idea where it is. With all the fighting going on between the dealer, the sales manager for Kimber, and the custom shop guys, everyone is pretty well pissed off at each other. I e-mailed the custom shop but they don't even bother to reply. I am going to e-mail the custom shop and sales manager again tommorrow. I'd at least like to know where the pistol is at.

When I had the pistol and it was working I was getting somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 to 4 inch five shot groups offhand at 25 yards with yeloow box UMC and white box Winchester 230 grain ball ammo. Nothing spectacular, but not too shabby either. If I ever get the pistol fixed, I am confident I can come up with a quality reload that will better those group sizes. You should be able to find a good load too.

For instance, I have been complaining on this board and over at Glock Talk about a G35 I have that just won't shoot better than about 3.5 inches at 25 yards. I am on the waiting list for a BarSto pipe. A couple of days ago I found a target load with 165 grain Speer FMJ and TG powder that shoots scary tight. I am going out in a couple of hours to try some more loads with the 165 FMJ loaded with TG, AA7, Clays and Power Pistol. I am confident I have found the right bullet, now all I need is to find the right propellant.

The reality is that few shooters (and I mean darn few) can shoot better than a 3 inch five shot group day in and day out offhand at 25 yards. It is nice to have an accurate pistol, but unless you are an accomplished shooter and plan on competing, I would think something in the neihborhood of 3 inches should be considered very good.
With good ammo the Gold Match should shoot 2.0-2.5" for 10 shots @25 yd. from Ransom Rest. Keith is right about ammo though and guns have preferences. It's up to us to find them...
I have a gold match, and without the scope, I can shoot a 2" group at 25 yards, and with the red-dot scope, I can shoot them all touching. 10-20 shots. I dont consider myself an accomplished shooter. The gun has the accuracy, I as a shooter, can not shoot up to the guns ability.

10MM Magnum.... tried the rest, now I got the best