Kids N gunz


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Date: 1999-05-20 12:44 Pacific Daylight Time
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> =======================================
> For release: May 21, 1999
> =======================================
> For additional information:
> George Getz, Press Secretary
> Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222
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Do guns turn children into criminals?
Myth-shattering federal study says: No

WASHINGTON, DC -- Want to dramatically reduce the chance that your child
will commit a gun-related crime or -- heaven forbid -- go on a shooting
spree? Here's a surprising suggestion from the Libertarian Party: Buy your
youngster a gun.

"The evidence is in: The simplest way to reduce firearm-related
violence among children is to buy them a gun and teach them how to use it
responsibly," said Steve Dasbach, national director of the Libertarian

"When it comes to preventing youthful violence, the Second
Amendment apparently works better than the so-called solutions being
proposed by politicians, such as a ban on assault weapons or mandated
'child-proof' safety locks on guns."

Says who?
Says a detailed study by the federal government entitled "Urban
Delinquency and Substance Abuse."

The study was conducted from 1993-1995 by the U.S. Department
of Justice's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. In an
attempt to determine the relationship between "problem behaviors" like
drug use, teen pregnancy, and crime, child psychologists tracked 4,000
boys and girls aged 6 to 15 in Denver, Pittsburgh, and Rochester, NY.

The findings were a slap in the face to "conventional wisdom"
about children and guns, said Dasbach -- and a sharp rebuke to the
recent vote by the U.S. Senate to enact new gun-control laws that
impact on teenagers.

According to the study:

* Children who get guns from their parents don't commit gun
crimes (0%), while children who get illegal guns are very likely to do
so (21%).

* Children who get guns from parents are less likely to commit
any kind of street crime (14%) than children who have no gun in the
house (24%) -- and are dramatically less likely to do so than children
who acquire an illegal gun (74%).

* Children who get guns from parents are less likely to use
drugs (13%) than children who get illegal guns (41%).

"Boys who own legal firearms have much lower rates of
delinquency and drug use [than boys who own illegal guns] and are even
slightly less delinquent than non-owners of guns," the study reported.

If the federal government knows that children and guns are not -- in and
of themselves -- a dangerous combination, why are so many politicians
demanding that new laws be passed to "protect" children?

"Politicians are apparently more interested in demonizing guns -- and
repealing the Second Amendment on the installment plan --than they are in
facts," suggested Dasbach. "But as this study shows, if gun ownership by
kids is not the problem, banning gun ownership by kids can't be the
solution." > So are Libertarians saying that every parent should buy
their child a gun?

"Of course not," said Dasbach. "Deciding whether to give your son or
daughter a gun is a serious decision that every parent will have
to make. Many parents may decide that their children are not mature
enough to responsibly and safely learn how to use a gun, and you have to
respect that decision.

"But the point is: Parents are better able to make that decision than a
bunch of poll-driven politicians in Washington, DC. Parents seem to
understand that the best way to reduce gun crimes by juveniles is to
promote more responsible gun ownership -- not more irresponsible gun
Hell, I would have to get an unbelieveable offer before I would ever consider selling any of my guns. On the other hand, I am considering giving a few away to my nephews. (We'll need someone to carry on the fight.)