Kid's first deer kill

Jack O'Conner

New member
This is an older photo I found and scanned to share with you all. My young friend borrowed my Glenfield 30-30 and nailed this big doe with one shot. The 150 grain core-lokt bullet was perfectly placed just behind the shoulder. This doe bounded away at the shot but toppled over in mid stride after running about the length of one school bus.

How many have started out with a 30-30 carbine?


My first deer was with a mossberg 500 20 gauge and I shot a 3 point with my dad sitting at my side with his Glenfield 30-30. This was kind of a rushed hunting year so we had been bowhunting and been successful so a week before season my dad bought me a few boxes of slugs because the other options were to big.

The following year my dad and my grandpa got together and gave me a Winchester 94 30-30. It has been my main gun from 1995-2013. Now it's my backup since I moved from an area with thick woods to wooded and farm fields.
I'm of the younger crowd on here but i would take a 30-30 marlin JM stamped any day of the week for an all around deer gun. Its just something about the wood stock, lever and being short that draws me to them.

I'm just shy of 30yo and at about 14yo i wanted to deer hunt so my mom talked to my uncles about me coming to WV and hunting with them. Never shot a rifle other than a 22lr and a shotgun and i hit the woods. I shot at a few deer but missed them all and come home with a half box of shells. the gun was a loaner but i was hooked since. Ohio we are limited to strait walled cartridges only so 45-70 is my choice now but in a single shot. There are rumors we will be allowed 30-30 and man i hope so cause my buddy has a win 94 i could buy for a good price.
My first deer rifle was a Marlin 30-30. Never killed anything with it but I really enjoyed shooting and carrying it. I've had a few since then but they just don't stick.
My first rifle was a Winchester 94 in 30-30. It killed a bunch of animals (deer, pigs, etc) and got set aside in my pursuit of magnum fever. I am currently rebuilding a 94 and will soon have it ready to show off.
I have owned about 8 Marlin 30-30s and 3 Winchester 30-30s. They used to be cheap. I would buy used ones for $100 and sell them for $150 or so. I still have the Marlin made in 1978 my dad gave me and a model 94 made in 1981 IIRC. I have never killed a deer with a 30-30 but did kill a very large problem dog that liked to chase my buddies Ostriches.

That being said I am a real fan of the 30 Winchester round and the neat little rifles that fire it. I have hunted with larger rounds for the most part but in reflection every animal I have killed but one could have been killed with a 30-30. And that includes the two Elk I have killed. I shot one deer at 250 yards. That would have been a stretch for a 30-30.

I just started a thread in the reloading section on the 30 winchester and reloading with AA2495. The same powder as IMR and Hogdon 4895. Close enough anyway. I am planning on making a 200 round run. I don't load often but when I do I load a bunch at one time.

In the other thread about a MN as a survival rifle I posted I would much rather have a 30-30 lever action over that old bolt action. I would feel better armed. And there are bunches of old Marlin and Winchester lever actions still in service so these rifle seem to be durable enough to depend on. And its easier to find reloadable brass for the 30-30.

The 30-30 works on around 30grs of powder and an inexpensive cup and core bullet. Plus lead bullets can be shot as fast as a jacketed bullet. Fast pistol powder and a light weight lead bullet will give you small game loads. I have loaded .30 caliber ball loads with 5grs of Bullseye for a small game load. And it works fine out to 40 yards or so. Good enough for rabbit hunting.

If I deer hunt this year I am going to use my open sighted Winchester 30-30 and nothing else. To kill a deer with the old round is on my bucket list.