Kid in Texas arrested for creative writing assignment!

Dennis Olson

New member
I just heard this on the Today show:

A kid in Texas wrote a "Halloween horror story", which was the assignment given by the creative writing class teacher. He wrote the story, basically about him shooting several kids in school, and "accidentally" shooting the teacher. (the actual text of the story wasn't as "bad" as I'm making it sound)...

Result: He got a A+ (and extra credit for reading the story out loud to the class). The next day, the teacher re-considered, and went to the principal. The boy was summarily arrested, and spent SIX DAYS in juvenile detention. His "crime": he didn't use "fictional" names.... (according to the principal)

Now the school has to hold a hearing as to whether he'll be allowed back. The mother has said that she'll send the kid to private school.

Folks, the moral of this story: be careful what you write, be careful what you say, be careful what you THINK. The calendar's stuck in "1984", and Big Brother reigns supreme....
Can you say, "flaky?"

She asked him to write a horror story. That means writing about something he fears or finds detestable. Now, if she asked him to write about a perfect day, and he submitted that story, then it would be time to bring in the school counselor.

Your reference to 1984 reminds me of something that happened to my brother while he was taking an English or Communications course in college. His teacher was an avid feminist, and when he was given an assignment stating his opinion on a matter, he gave it, and received a low grade for it, the reason mostly being because his more conservative views didn't line up with her liberal slant. He didn't mind getting a low grade if it were for legitimate reasons (poor grammar, poor construction, poor support), but what really bothered him was that he was being penalized for his opinions.

Yep, the thought police are in the classrooms. What is that Russian word for political officer again? You know, that person that was required to be at every Soviet institution or warship, to make sure the area under his charge was following proper Soviet doctrine?


Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
Politruk was the term. Sick ****s, by and large. Just about the only thing that the Germans did right during WW2 was to waste every one of those that they caught. Unfortunately, the irony of doing so while having rough equivalents of their own was lost on them. If you recall, the two sides had cooperated before '41...Soviets reported the successes of a fellow socialist government against the corrupt capitalists with gusto. That changed once US food, medicine and tanks started pouring in to help out against the Fritz (Gerry).
Here is the text of the essay. I got this from Neal Boortz's web site. Note the spelling and punctuation.

My flashlight went out and I heard someone right behind me and I turned in a very slowly scared way and boom the lights came on and the door bell rang. I walked very slowly and creepy and turned the knob ding dong the door bell went again. I said just a minute and I will be right there and I looked through the little hole in the door and Robin said Boo. I told him to come in and have a seat and we both wated and wated for Ismael because he was supposed to bring the (ounce) so we could get high but half an hour later still no Ismael so I got the idea of freeon and we grabbed a bag and a knife and ran out back to the airconditionar. We througth the bag over the nostle and covered it tightly and used the knife to press the volv. We started to hear something after we got high so we ditched everything we quickly run to the door to see who it was and there wasn't anybody there then we heard someone at the back door to see who it was I thought it was a crook so I busted out with a 12 guage and Ismael busted out with 9 mm and we step off the porch and this bloody body droped down in front of us and scared us half to death and about 20 kids started cracking up and pissed
me off so I shot Matt, Jake, and Ben started laughing so hard that I acssedently shot Mrs. Henry. Ismael saw somebody steeling antifreeze so Ismael shot over ther near the airconditonar and hit somebody (indecipherable word) also scattered out and went home and my mom drove up and everything was back to normal but they didn't have any heads.

The teacher gave him a 100 on this essay. This whole situation is so wrong on so many different levels that I have no idea where to start.

Strength does not come from physical capacity.
It comes from an indomitable will. -- Mahatma Gandhi
I agree there's too much leeway on spelling and punctuation in the name of ‘creativity’. I’m also surprised that no one pitched a fit about talking about getting high.

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed—and thus clamorous to be led to safety—by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”—H.L. Mencken
I guess it's a good thing that Stephen King, Dean Koontz, etc. were born when they were. Because it's obvious that in the future, we won't have any imaginative authors. They will have been beaten down by our educators and politicians, those who obviously know what is best for everyone else.
I know that grammer is not one of my strong points, so I hate to ask this question. Was this kid in the third grade? I can understand if this was his first draft, but....No! I take that back. That teacher should find an honest job for giving this boy an "A" on his paper. I think that the public school system these days is inexcuseable. I am a product of the public school system. I regret that I was not home schooled, now. The parents did the right thing IMHO. They took their child out of that school. I hope that the private one is far better.

Putting that boy in jail for writing a story that makes the principal feel "creepy" is also inexcusable! Everyone involved with that decision should take his place for a few weeks and find a job which suits them better. This is true child abuse. Maybe they need some of their own guidance councelors sensitivity training; or a punch in the nose by Mom and Dad.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
I read the essay on Drudge this morning. The fact that the kid got an A or whatever is ample evidence that the educational system is beyond rationality.

Kind of hard to believe that these people are "liberals".

Better days to be,

Hee hee hee--did someone say "stirring the pot?"
I could tell you what this kid would have gotten in MY class for this paper--assuming there are points for creativity, it's 75% at best. If you told the kids spelling didn't count, the grammar still makes it difficult to comprehend, which is a no-no.
Even if you don't count either one, it's still not written so that the story can be followed and understood, which a sixth-grader SHOULD be able to do. Bear in mind, though, that this all assumes an overnight assignment. I do sometimes assign a writing to be done in class, and not much revision is possible under those circumstances.

I'm printing this thread so my cooperating teacher can see it, by the way. It so happens that we teach 6th grade and we're dealing with an entire class who write far below this level right now. Some are still using invented spelling, which should have been phased out by third grade at the latest.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron

I guess that the blame should not be placed entirely upon the shoulders of the present teacher. She has only had him for 2-3 months now. Its just the local system. There is something terribly wrong if he has passed thus far and is rewarded with 100% on this paper. I agree with you. I am curious to know from your perspective. Why is your class far below this level? It seems to me that it puts an insurmountable burden upon you if your class is very large. Do the parents and previous teachers require reading assignments compatable with the grade levels?
I'm just curious.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
I'm going to stir the pot a little. I think the point has been missed. Yes, his story sucked and probably should have gotten an F (it would have in my old elem. or high school). But should he have gone to jail for writing it?
Gwin, this paper is heads above one I read by a High school student. Im at the school working as a maintenance man, I found 25 or so spelling and or grammatical errors in one paragraph. I wish I had kept it I would have posted it. My writting skill are not good, which scares me even more.
Should the kid have been arrested? Not a chance. Perhaps the teacher for giving it an A, and certainly the Principal, should be arrested for exceeding the posted limit of stupidity.
As Far as the writing goes it is far from the worst I've seen. Many of the College Students here can't write a statement that makes as much sense as that boys story. The worst, I've seen, in the last few years was from a College Junior. That Statement made this boy's story look like it was writen by a pro. The college student's major was English Lit. and she was passing!!!

PS. The people who allowed this boy to be put in detention for a work of FICTION, should be charged with child abuse, false imprisionment, and going Stupid without a permit. (Boy, I do great run on sententces)

[This message has been edited by Raymond VanDerLinden (edited November 04, 1999).]
If the school and DA, (or whoever is responsable for putting the boy in jail), had informed the parents and simply given him a temporary suspension, I might let this one slide as gross ignorance and anxiety. I would not agree with it, but it would not have rattled my cage so much. What were the charges against this kid? Was he charged w/threatening the lives of these people? If not, it seems like a gross injustice to put him in what amounts to "jail for youth" IMHO. The way I understand it this is not D-hall at school, but Juvinile detention under the legal "justice" system. Please correct me if I'm wrong, somebody. This is also what the USA Radio Network News reported to be the case with him.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
I spent a couple of days during teacher in-service this fall scoring writing samples according to the Six Writing Traits. By those standards the kid's paper is not "A" material. However, if the kid is in a remedial program or working on an Individualized Educational Program then the paper might deserve an “A” plus extra credit. From the information we have, there is no way to tell if the kid deserved an "A" or not. In any event, the content is questionable.

Any of you guys remember the shooting in Littleton? You know, the incident where every certified and support person employed in the school caught hell for not seeing the “warning signs”. As you could probably guess, just about everyone in education has been told to watch for warning signs and "red flags". So, what constitutes a warning sign? Some might consider a paper about getting stoned and shooting your classmates and the teacher a “red flag”. Obviously the situation was outside the teacher's comfort level so the student was referred to the office. We can only speculate as to how things were handled from there. On the surface it appears as though an outside agency intervened and botched the whole deal. On the other hand, maybe not.

Like so many other issues in education, the system was put in a no-win situation once again. If the law is called the school over reacted. If no disciplinary action were taken, the school would be contributing to the decline of moral standards.

I could rant forever but I have to leave for work now. Today is parent teacher conferences. I need to come up with a politically correct way to explain to some parents why it is that stupid people shouldn’t breed. Not exactly the most rewarding part of teaching...

[This message has been edited by Ankeny (edited November 05, 1999).]
This kid was ARRESTED, held for five days without charge. For writing a clumsy attempt at a short story. Where is freedom of speach?
Why isn't the arresting officer being heavily reprimanded? If I arrested someone for writting a story, I'd be in for a generous amount of punishment.

BTW, in defense of the teacher, my mom claims she heard Saturday morning on the radio that those early reports of the "A" grade were incorrect--the papers were not graded. That really does explain a lot, although as someone pointed out, I made my comments assuming the kid was in a regular-division class.

My kids? Well, it's just one of those groups. Low-income parents and several who are well known for putting little to no effort into education. 5 of the 17 kids have IEP's (that means they tested low enough to require special plans for special ed accommodations to be made) and several more should. I have:
"Johnny"--Probably should have been retained. Little to no reading comprehension--literally. Can focus but requires effort he rarely invests. Can write but is near illegible, shows no knowledge of the use of sentences, paragraphs, etc. Invented spelling. Speech is badly slurred and near incomprehensible. His mother is well-known around the school since she works there. She was always strange, married young, Johnny's father died in prison a few years ago. She recently told Johnny, and us, that he "USED TO have reading problems" because he got bifocals last week and she feels he no longer has a problem.
"Angela"--Angela was born in the US but her parents are Mexican immigrants who don't speak English. Her sister is fluent in Spanish and English, but Angela speaks Spanish badly and English with no accent. She appears to have the ability to do some reading and math work, but again, her spelling is invented. She spells the long "i" sound the same way every time, for instance, but she spells it "ae." I thought this was a holdover from Spanish but she can't write Spanish. She puts forth NO effort and is openly defiant when asked to do so, generally misses at least one day per week, and can apparently manipulate her parents at will since they get all info from her and her sister. She has never attended one school for more than one year as she was moved from Kali to Mexico to Texas, back to Mexico, and so on. Doesn't look like she'll be here long either, and so the parents are just not concerned.
"Devon"--Typical boy, cares only about football (gonna be a pro someday :) ) Very little attention, very disruptive behavior. Wouldn't be so bad except that his mother gives him NO supervision--often I run into him around town after 8:00 or 9:00 at night, and he's never been with a parent or adult yet. I wouldn't have TRIED that when I was 12.
"Ashley"--Probably should have been retained in 5th. Check that--SHOULD be in all-day special ed but there's no such thing anymore. Unable to write legibly or coherently, very little reading comprehension, some auditory but not much. Has an aide who helps out in Science and Social Studies, but doesn't do much good. Goes out of class only for math. Not a troublemaker, but constantly rocking, chanting, or swinging her arms as "comfort tics." Hasn't been picked on so far in class but makes me cringe to think what they say behind the poor kid's back.
"Michelle"--Defiance personified. Has already told me that she can do all the work but will not because she doesn't have to. Knows she will not be retained because she didn't meet the standards in 5th and her mother bullied the principal into passing her over the teacher's head, then told Michelle what she did. Chronic cheater, chronic liar, fond of threatening to have me fired. Hasn't figured out they don't pay me yet. :) Probably a B- student ability-wise, but has told me she didn't have to do her science homework because it's only one subject and you have to flunk three to be retained.

These are only a few but this is getting pretty long and it's late. I should be in bed. I will say that these are the worst with one or two exceptions. I do have some average to good students. I have one outstanding boy but he's moving away this month.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Wow Don!

Do you get special hazard pay? You say, no pay?!! What a tough (student teaching?) assignment. As our ol pal Mr. C. likes to say, "I can feel your pain". Thanks for the info. Its easy for us (me included) to pass judgement on people and situations that we don't know all of the facts about. All the same, I believe that the system, as well as society, is grossly flawed. Blame lies in many areas. I've got to give the (good parents, teachers, and administrators) credit where credit is deserved. They are all tough positions requiring much responsibility.


"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
Oh, it's not so bad. It was getting close to my bedtime when I posted that. I didn't mention that they did surprisingly well on their last Social Studies test (only ONE kid failed, that would be Angela. I expect no less until I figure out how to talk her into working.)
I also didn't mention that although the other kids in class are below average for the most part, they're not as bad as those four. The worst they do is disrupt class but the disruptive dynamics between kids are unbelievable. It took me 4 weeks just to get to the point where I could teach a lesson past their interference and they still get me sometimes. But I'm still learning. OTOH, my cooperating teacher has been teaching since the early sixties and is much less optimistic than I am, so who knows?
But we just had a conference with "Michelle's" dad today and he seemed receptive--we'll see where it goes, but we do now have a plan for a program of discipline with "Michelle." Thankfully, it will be applied in the Special Ed room, not in my class!

PS--If you think I have it bad, remember there are people in Kalifornia teaching classes of over 30 city kids with NO certification, only two years of college, and NO supervised student teaching experience like what I'm getting right now. No F'n thanks!!!


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron