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I'm going to be spending some time this summer helping friends clean up fallen limbs from this winter's ice storms. I've been looking at the Himalayan Imports website and wondering if the large khukuries are really the be-all, end-all of whacking/chopping implements, as they are described. Has anybody out there used one of these things for pioneering-type chores?
The 18 inch ang khola that I have seems to be as invincible as the legends say, powerful, easy to swing, easy to keep sharp.

I only have one, and I don't know anyone else who has one, so I can't give any kind of mass opinion, sorry. you might want to ask around at

I like mine A LOT, at least since I removed the brass point from the sheath.

If you decide to get one, I CAN say that Himalayan Imports treated me very well, fast service, answered my questions promptly, and the price is good (less than Cold Steel, and it's kind of neat that they are handmade halfway across the world)

The super mirror finish will scuff with use, it isn't magic metal or anything, but be prepared to hack and chop and hack and chop, holding the khukuri seems to inspire destruction of wood, dead shrubbery, tree limbs, and many things that don't necessarily NEED to be hacked and chopped, but it is just sooo much fun to do and hard to resist. Even wet wood will fall to a good blade.
OK. Himilayan Imports is some really good stuff. here is why I would buy from them in a heartbeat if I wanted another khukuri-

1. Their stuff is just plain good. It is made from good materials, by skilled craftsmen. It is all handmade. They have a 'factory' in Bir Gorka, but if you've ever seen pictures of the place, it is just a shop where the Kamis (knifemakers) can all work together and share resources. Its is not a factory in the western sense of the word. So you are getting a top of the line product and the character of a hand-forged and finished blade.

2. If you break it, they'll replace it. No questions asked.

3. If you don't like it, send it back. IIRC they have a no-questions-asked refund policy, or will offer you something else you do like. Check on this first, but IIRC its that easy.

4. Bill Martino is a world class guy.

5. By purchasing a HI blade, you are giving jobs and money to workers in a bitterly impoverished nation, and helping to support a craftsman in a dying art. You're also helping oppose Maoist guerrillas by making economic conditions there a little less severe, and thus undermining their base.

I have no idea about whether or not the a khukuri would be best for what you would use it for...but it is an excellent chopping/splitting/hacking tool, and HI khuks are among the best in the world. Get one.


PS check out the HI forums on
You're also helping oppose Maoist guerrillas by making economic conditions there a little less severe, and thus undermining their base.
Maoist guerrillas killed dozens recently in Nepal.

Gorkhali Ayo!

Well, I'm thinking that next time payday comes around, I'm going to acquire on of the HI choppers. I read bladforums, but wanted to get the feedback of the astute folks here on TFL.

I'll let you know how the khukuri fares against the osage orange and the black locust.....


I have a 'village model' khukuri that has been through a kitchen remodelling and a brush destroying excursion. The villager cut through nails, multiple, during the tactical dynamic removal of a set of butt-ugly cabinets, and was (mis)used by my wife to excavate a bunch of woody-weed-type bushes- she was hacking into the ground, through some rocks and gravel. :eek:

It survived this, quite fine. The edge needed some work (to say the least), but the blade was not horribly notched or ruined in any way.

Oh, a 'village' model is basically what the Kamis make for sale to the local population. It is exactly the same as what HI sells, its just that the ones HI sells have then been polished and are better fit-and-finished. My village looks like some pot-metal POS you'd buy at a flea market for about $12.95...but its tougher than nails.

Also, that mirror finish can be restored quite easily with ultra high grit sandpaper. use it, abuse it, realign the edge, abuse it some more, eventually resharpen it and polish it back up and voila!, its brand new again.

spring steel is some tough stuff.

Khukuris- especially HI ones- are great. I feel my 16.5" WWII model is just about the ideal fighting knife, and the qualities that endear it to me- a hard-hitting, but manuverable blade and incredible strength- also make it a terrific tool.

Warning: these knives are addictive!
they are the real deal and Uncle Bill is a great guy
heres a review:
& another: review

here the Khuk FAQ:

mine has been used hard for several years and is still in near perfect shape
its a tad stained but it has never rusted
it must be the "magic stones" they hone them with

just watch your follow thru on a big swing
the blade may cleve the target in one swipe and continue onward

i want the Everest katana next

heres Bill's pages:
how do the Cold Steel kukri's compare

to the himalayan import khukhri's?
Similar price, just wondering. kinda want one now!