Met a pistol I've never seen before at the LGS yesterday. It was a Khar chambered in Smith .40, double action, saftey-less, single stack, and concealment sized. Seemed like a damn fine pistol, very comfortable for my little hand. Not sure what model.
Are these guns worth owning? Seemed to be priced in the "quality handgun" range, just under $500 for a used one in great condition.
POS or not? Good shootin gun? Looking to probably upgrade from my Ruger P95DC which is farily largeframed for my small frame to carry....
Are these guns worth owning? Seemed to be priced in the "quality handgun" range, just under $500 for a used one in great condition.
POS or not? Good shootin gun? Looking to probably upgrade from my Ruger P95DC which is farily largeframed for my small frame to carry....