Keystone Mini Mosin 91/30?

From what I can gather, this is basically a Crickett, all gussied up in a 2/3-scale Mosin Nagant stock. It's a single shot .22LR. I'm a sucker for rimfire replicas of mil-surp arms. This little rifle looks interesting, and it's supposed to be the first in a series of "mini mil-surps" that Keystone says they will be producing.

Has anyone seen (or, better yet, shot) one of these things? Is it worth anywhere near the $399 MSRP?
Cute but too expensive. I bought a couple Crickets for my grandkids and they are very good shooting rifles. Back when my daughter was that age, no one was making single shot .22 rifles or at least that I could find around here.

If I were still young enough to go backpacking, I'd find a way to put a folding stock on a Cricket. It's the backpacking rifle I wanted back when I did such things.

I want one, but not for $400 +.

ETA: weird, I haven't been here in over 4 years; why is the font in my post so small?

ETA 2: looks like it was just when I viewed it right after I posted it.

Carry on gents. Lol.
"From what I can gather, this is basically a Crickett, all gussied up in a 2/3-scale Mosin Nagant stock."

That's basically what it is,,,
But also a little bit more as well.

They did make an effort to somewhat replicate the rear and front sights.

It's a gimmick for certain,,,
But it's a gimmick that will eventually cost me $400.00.

One of my two best friends just named his newborn son after my old self,,,
That assures that he will inherit my WW-II bring-back K98 Mauser,,,
And Little Aarond will have a Keystone K98 waiting for him.

That is if they ever create and release the dang thing.


"...the $399 MSRP?..." Not in my world. The Mini Mosin Nagant runs $600Cdn plus(100% higher than US prices is typical) with taxes up here. Really bad sights and no bayonet. For a .22? NO!
It might cost that much to build but is it worth that much on the market? That's the $64 dollar question. For me, no. If it had an internal mag and fed 5-10 rds, it might make a difference to me but a single shot? Nope.
When I first heard of this I was fairly excited but I was hoping for a full sized .22 Mosin or at least something 91/38 like.

The itty bitty Cricket version doesn’t do it for me.
If I was a little kid and my pop bought one of these for me, I’d think he was the coolest guy on earth. Too bad it’s only a single shot, but I know it teaches good discipline in learning to shoot accurately so every shot counts. They should design them with two different magazines, one that enables single shot only and one that holds multiple rounds. This way once a kid learns to make his shots count you can just switch mags and it’s a more usable gun.