Keyes attracts large crowds in Iowa


New member
IMHO, if Keyes bests McCain, McCain is finished. I'd like to see that happen just from the standpoint of smacking the media in the face, as well as give the Republican Party hacks a case of the jitters.

Keyes attracts large crowds in Iowa


Register Staff Writer -- 01/22/2000

Sioux Center, Ia. - Conservative commentator Alan Keyes is drawing large crowds across Iowa this week, which his supporters hope will translate into a strong showing at Monday's caucuses.

"He's by far the most articulate spokesman for my conservative beliefs," said Tom Nichols, a Klemme farmer and devoted Keyes supporter at an event for the candidate in Mason City Thursday.

Keyes campaign manager Dan Godzich said the crowds have been growing as Keyes gets more exposure through such things as the recent candidate debates. Godzich says a victory Monday night doesn't necessarily mean first place.

"I'd be happy with third" or higher, he said.

There is a major battle shaping up for third place in the GOP caucuses. Most polls show Texas Gov. George W. Bush in first place, followed by publisher Steve Forbes. Keyes, conservative activist Gary Bauer and Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., have been locked in a tie for third.

Traditionally, only the top three candidates in Iowa manage to run viable campaigns in New Hampshire the following week. McCain has largely skipped Iowa, focusing his resources on New Hampshire.

Keyes' crowds this week have rivaled and in some cases exceeded those enjoyed by Bush and Forbes. Keyes, a former United Nations official, also has launched an extensive advertising campaign, especially in conservative areas of the state.

Keyes is opposed to abortion rights, he is anti-gun control and he wants to abolish the income tax in favor of a national sales tax. He says all the problems in the United States can be solved with moral leadership.

"Our rights come from God, and must be exercised with the respect and existence of God," he told about 100 people at a rally here Friday.

At times this week, his rhetoric has bordered on harsh.

"The income tax is a slave tax," Keyes told about 300 people in Mason City Thursday. "It surrenders our most important freedom," our money.

While many people leave his events impressed with Keyes' dynamic speaking skills, a few maintain the speeches lack specifics.

"I'm not sure I heard an answer to the problems," said Bob Drenten, a Sioux City pastor trying to decide between Keyes and Forbes.

Keyes spent Monday, Thursday and Friday in Iowa and will attend weekend events in Dubuque, Iowa City, Des Moines, Cedar Falls and Waterloo.

Nevada alt C.A.N.
The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
For me, the great thing about Keyes is that he tells you what he believes, not what the polls tell him to believe. Name another candidate that does that! Look at Algore, sixteen years ago he was against govt. money going to support abortion. Now he supports it!

Even if you don't believe exactly like Keyes does (I don't, exactly) you have to respect a man that stands up for his views. I'll be voting for him in the primary for sure. Even if only to send a message to GW that he's a viable running mate.


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Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
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"I'm not sure I heard an answer to the problems," said Bob Drenten, a Sioux City pastor trying
to decide between Keyes and Forbes.
The problems for which pastor Denton seeks solutions will not come from our current version of government. It is an impossibility like instant morality. The current path will only create more problems in a calculated manner. The fact that Keyes seems so radical to some is testament to our drift away from constitutional government. It seems foreign in its simple scope to many. Even his emphasis on "moral leadership", in my perception, does not mean him shoving pure religious tenents down anyone's throat. Leaders don't lie, cheat, steal, tell you whom or what to worship, or ultimately disempower you as an individual. Keyes wants us to have the power of our money, guns, and individuality. Look at the rest of the podium . Evaluate them on the same terms. They, not Keyes, put the fear of God in me. :)