Kentucky open carry question

chris in va

New member
Long story short, the CC instructor told the class today that open carry in a vehicle is illegal without a CC permit, even if the gun is in plain sight on the dash, seat or between the console and seat. He pointed out the recent 'glovebox' allowance is for that purpose. He also said people in the past have been convicted of concealing a deadly weapon without a permit for leaving their gun on the seat.

Before I contact higher authority, can someone confirm/deny this?
Long story short, the CC instructor told the class today that open carry in a vehicle is illegal without a CC permit

I don't believe that's the case, but I'd certainly contact the State Police (why are they State Police if KY is a Commonwealth?) if I had a question.
To be on the safe side, while all your paperwork and everything for your CCDW is being processed , you could - open carry while on foot, when you get in your car, put it in the glove compartment. When you get where you are going, put your gun back on, etc.

Before I contact higher authority, can someone confirm/deny this?

I wish I could tell ya, but I have no idea.
The law in question is: subsection (8).

Subsection (8) contains NO REQUIREMENTS. It only contains an EXCEPTION to concealed carry without a license.

(8) A firearm or other deadly weapon shall not be deemed concealed on or about the person if it is located in a glove compartment, regularly installed in a motor vehicle by its manufacturer, regardless of whether said compartment is locked, unlocked, or does not have a locking mechanism. No person or organization, public or private, shall prohibit a person from keeping a firearm or ammunition, or both, or other deadly weapon in a glove compartment of a vehicle in accordance with the provisions of this subsection. Any attempt by a person or organization, public or private, to violate the provisions of this subsection may be the subject of an action for appropriate relief or for damages in a Circuit Court or District Court of competent jurisdiction.
Thanks guys, I figured as much.

I contacted the KY State Police CCDW issuing authority today. He said the weapon can be openly visible on the seat, dash, back seat or back window (rifle/shotgun) provided nothing is partially covering it up. It cannot be stuffed between the center console and seat, for example. He also said holstered on your person could be a grey area as it's not visible to an LEO performing a traffic stop.

Ironically the first person I called wasn't sure and talked with a trooper. He initially said the same thing, but when I pointed out what the instructor said he stated to just follow his teachings.:rolleyes: