Kentucky Dem Caucus to Ban Guns on Floor?

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The Democratic caucus of the Kentucky House of Representatives is considering a ban on openly carrying firearms on the House Floor.

Kentucky is generally a very gun-friendly state but it seems the sight of a couple of openly carrying constituents was enough to scare a couple of the big city (Louisville) Dems enough to ask the House Leader to ban guns. He has referred it to the Democratic caucus.

There is a question of whether this would violate Kentucky's constitution which, on it's face, prohibits regulation of guns except for concealed carry. However, restrictions on carrying in schools has been upheld.

There are a lot of conservative and gun friendly Dems in the Kentucky House, so I'm betting nothing happens. I also noticed state police follow anyone carrying in the Capitol Building. I guess it's a sign of the times.

I couldn't decide whether I should laugh or grimace in disgust when the story referred to the state police escorting a man out of the Capitol only to find out he had an empty holster. :cool:
To be honest, I'm shocked that guns were allowed there to begin with. I mean you can't carry into a county courthouse so I assumed you couldn't carry into the captial.

Very interested to see how this turns out especially with Kentucky being a very pro gun state.
I mean you can't carry into a county courthouse so I assumed you couldn't carry into the captial.
Same here. I occasionally have to go to the Capitol Building (not on the House Floor) and never even thought of open carrying there.

The county courthouses are restricted from open carry by court order, not state law. I think it's a good order, though. Emotions can run very high and not all the people there are paying parking tickets. Some of them are real criminals.

BTW, Kentucky started using metal detectors years ago after one lawyer pulled out a gun in court and shot another lawyer for allegedly cheating with his wife. The judge on duty had played college football and tackled the shooter.
Its going to fail to many republicans and we are a pro gun state.

You know, with all the threats to both Dems and Repubs over this health care bill, it wouldn't surprise me if it passes.

Tempers are getting out of control on both sides of this issue lately.

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