Kennedy Opens Gun Safety Campaign

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OCTOBER 07, 02:13 EDT

Kennedy Opens Gun Safety Campaign

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) — Trying to avoid the political fire that comes with virtually any gun control debate, Victoria Reggie Kennedy has started a
new campaign stressing gun safety at home.

Mrs. Kennedy, wife of Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., and her supporters are not advocating further restrictions on guns and won't be doing any
lobbying on Capitol Hill.

Instead, ``we hope to make unloading, locking and storing guns properly as automatic as buckling a safety belt,'' Mrs. Kennedy, co-founder of the
nonprofit Common Sense About Kids and Guns, said at a news conference Wednesday.

The group hopes to draw widespread support by adopting a noncontroversial position: Adults need not give up their firearms but should help
reduce children's accidental, gun-related deaths and injuries.

The group, which is privately funded, plans to run public service advertisements in print and on radio and television, some starting in the next
few weeks.

``We applaud the approach they're taking,'' said Kathy Cassidy, manager of the National Rifle Association's ``Eddie Eagle'' gun safety program
for elementary school children. She said the group's message is similar to that offered by the NRA's children's campaign and its gun safety guide
for parents.

Mrs. Kennedy, the mother of two teen-agers, said she did not approach the NRA for support. Other organizations, including gun and ammunition
manufacturers, mayors, children's advocates and pediatricians, have signed on.

``If it just saves one life, that's a life worth saving,'' said actress Michael Learned, a campaign spokeswoman who portrayed mother Olivia Walton
on the TV series ``The Waltons'' in the 1970s.

Ms. Learned recalled that her own son, as a boy of 10 or 11, could have been hurt or killed at a friend' house after the friend found a loaded gun,
cocked it and pointed it at him.

An average of five children were killed every day in gun-related accidents and suicides committed with a firearm from 1990-1997, according to
the group, citing statistics from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

``You have to, as an adult, be responsible,'' said Ann Marie Crowell of Saugus, Mass., whose youngest child, 12-year-old Brian, was shot and killed
on Dec. 24, 1997, while at a friend's house. An unlocked, loaded revolver went off after the friend pulled it out of his mother's dresser drawer.
An unlocked, loaded revolver went off after the friend pulled it out of his mother's dresser drawer.

Yeah, the evil revolver, intent on causing injury and death, sat in the drawer, waiting and hoping for a chance to get itself in a position in which a discharge would do harm. Then, upon being afforded such an opportunity, away it went, in spite of all human efforts to thwart its evil desires.

we hope to make unloading, locking and storing guns properly as automatic as buckling a safety belt

Interesting comparison. I lock up my guns when they're not under my direct control, but most times, I don't even think about my seatbelt.

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
Thanks for the post.
Is there anyone out there who could give me a link to show these statistics of "five children per day (avg = 9,125/yr) from 1990 - 1997 (73,000/8 yrs). All of this is stated from "accidents and suicides".
I'm not sure I believe this statistic at all, cause it sounds like another Anti-Gun puffed-up statistic.

Any help on this? Thanks.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.
It sounds like it could be accurate. I believe there are around 1000-1500 fatal gun accidents yearly. Perhaps you made a math error, but 5 per day is 1825 yearly. A large percent are hunting accidents, I think. However, they included suicides- which are far more common than accidents- and probably "children" means everyone under 18 or 21. It's unclear.

[This message has been edited by BTR (edited October 08, 1999).]
here is the 96 cdc numbers for all causes...
All ages............32,436
Under 1 year........9
1-4 years.......... 75
5-14 years..........546
15-24 years........ 8,173
25-34 years........ 7,045
35-44 years........ 5,802
45-54 years........ 3,872
55-64 years........ 2,390
65-74 years........ 2,202
75-84 years........ 1,740
85 years and over.. 555
Age not stated......27

& Unintentional
All ages............981
Under 1 year........-
1-4 years.......... 20
5-14 years..........122
15-24 years........ 300
25-34 years........ 165
35-44 years........ 130
45-54 years........ 96
55-64 years........ 58
65-74 years........ 51
75-84 years........ 24
85 years and over.. 15
Age not stated......-

see children can be up to 24 years old

You know, I'd hate for this thread to take a "nit-picky" direction because of a few statistics. Forget the stats. Can anyone argue with the premise of this organization?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
America's adults share a deeply-felt common interest in protecting children and teens from the dangers of unsupervised access to guns.
Adults bear the responsibility for protecting children and teens from the dangers of unsupervised access to guns.
Common sense solutions exist today that can greatly reduce gun-related injuries and deaths. They are:

1.Educating the public about risks of unsupervised access to guns by children and teens
2.Encouraging safe gun storage practices
3.Opening dialogue among gun owners, non-gun owners, parents and children.[/quote]

You can find out more about this organization at:

I just had a quick glance over there and can’t say that I disagree with anything that they say. As a father of two daughters, this is a real concern to me and I don’t believe that you can be too safe when it comes to guns and kids. This might be something that we can all get behind and support.

It does make me a bit nervous to think about being "in bed" with some of these organizations (and a Kennedy no less!), but kids are a subject that should be able to bring most honorable people together.



"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsey Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
We definitely agree with you, BluesMan. As we were watching Victoria Kennedy on the news yesterday, and she was saying some sensible things, we were wondering where the candid camera was. Could she really be related to a Kennedy?
This sounds good, especially from a Kennedy! I just have one small problem.

"we hope to make unloading, locking and storing guns properly as automatic as buckling a safety belt."

As sensible as this is, I bought my guns primarily for home defense. If they are locked up, they won't do me a whole lot of good.

Eddie Eagle is right. I have a 3 year old boy who doesn't talk much yet, but he can gesture, "Stop, don't touch, leave the area, tell an adult." He won't even touch my guns when I let him.

You make a good point. Protecting my family incudes all threats, from within and without. Unloading, locking and storing properly does help protect against threats from within, but puts me at a decided disadvantage against threats from without.

I know that there are small gun safes that can allegedly be opened quickly, even in the dark. Could these be a good solution to this disparity of safety? Does anybody have any experience with this type of safe? What other types of precautions do folks take in regard to keeping guns close by for defense, yet at the same time keeping them out of tiny hands?

Any and all suggestions are welcome.


"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsey Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
About the organization, as long as they're not talking about legislation but just trying to convince people to lock up, I think it's admirable and a shocking concession to common sense. I'm suspicious, to be perfectly honest, but who wants to let paranoia ruin such an opportunity to find common ground. It's just a relief to hear someone who wants to "help the children" but NOT at the price of my rights . . .

About safes--I haven't tried 'em but you can bet I will when my first kid comes along. When I was a kid, they didn't have such things, but dad had a bedside nightstand with a drawer in the top. He put two decorative wooden spindles in the front edges of the frame around the drawer. They looked nice, but the one nearest the bed was actually mounted on a dowel that fit in a hole drilled through the frame and into the front of the drawer. With the spindle in, you couldn't open the drawer and it just looked like the front of the drawer was trim. But Dad could find the big wooden spindle in the dark, pull it, and have the drawer open in a flash. I didn't even know there was a drawer there until last year--when I was 20!


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
The trouble with small push button safes is not that they are hard to use. All you need to do is press a combination (which is a mirror image of itself depending on which side you approach!) and turn a nob to open it. Trouble is, underpressure I turn the knob the wrong way, to re-lock the safe everytime. Sucks, eh?

And getting the other safe open means looking for the keys and trying to squat in front of it to pull out guns, in the dark and with junk in the way.

Lock up your safety indeed!
I would think she would be more interested in driving and swiming lessons. And in her case a lock on the liquor cabinet would be a safer move than a lock on the gun cabinet
Guys - Booze and cars doesnt lend to FURTHER CONTROL - so it is the official policy that they dont care.
They need 3 things for the government to take a care of anything:
1. Does it lower the populations IQ?
2. Does it Weaken the Populations ability to resist?
3. Will it mean more money to fatten the government?

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!
Sorry guys, I can not support an organization which lies. The issue here is accidental deaths which they are trying to prevent. They claim that 5 deaths per day is due to accidental.... yet the stat tables that they themselves refer to are as follows:

Age 1997 1996 1995 1994
Group Deaths Rate Deaths Rate Deaths Rate Deaths Rate

00-04 20 0.10 17 0.09 20 0.10 34 0.17
05-09 28 0.14 27 0.14 32 0.17 25 0.13
10-14 94 0.49 94 0.50 129 0.69 126 0.67
15-19 164 0.86 238 1.28 259 1.43 327 1.85
20-24 136 0.78 163 0.93 164 0.91 213 1.15
25-29 82 0.43 105 0.55 120 0.63 121 0.63

Sorry about the formatting, but the results are as follows for 1997 Age's to 14 total accident = 144. Total to age 19 = 308. Total to age 24 = 444...

In order to get to their 5 deaths a day, you have to include deaths from all causes. This is another misleading statement. If we support this cause we will be putting our stamp of approval on these stats. Please also note that the accident rate has droped every year. I support gun safety, but I do not support lies and deceipt.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.

Please supply us a list of the organizations that you DO support. We can check them and be sure that they have never lied in any of the statistics that they have supplied.

You know as well as anyone that statistics can be made to say anything one may want them to say. The issue is not statistics. The issue is safety.


"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsey Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
Blues Man; What you say is true, except that when someone uses statistics to make a point,I expect the statistics to generally coincide with what they are saying. Otherwise say it without statistics.
I found fault with the use of the generic term "adult". I would have liked to have seen the word "parent" used somewhere in connection with who is responsible.

The VILLAGE is not responsible for raising my children.

Better days to be,

If Kennedy wanted to make it safe, especially for the children, why doesn't he buy us all gun safes or vault doors for our homes? I'd go for that!

OK, even if he did, there'll still be a gun by my bedside.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
When they talk about kids being killed everyday, some of those "kids" they talk about are gang bangers who like to shoot each other, and also those who manage to have themselves shot by police.
Now as for gun safety, teaching the mass of stupid people in this country how to unload and store guns-if they teach only this and not slide the lesson into taking away rights, this probably could help us.
The NRA has been so villified, that anything they say anymore is so twisted by the media its ludicrous.
If you can get people to start using a little common sense about their guns, we won't have to bear the brunt of the actions of the total idiots who DO leave their guns around for little kids and theives to misuse.
Lordy if we can turn this whole thing into a debate on safety and not lose rights I'm for it.
I've been feeling like a man walking in quicksand for the last six months with the news, I just keep going down and down...