Well, folks, I bought a KelTec P-11 yesterday, and got rid of it within 24 hours! What a piece of junk! I can't say they all are, but this one (new) certainoly was.
When I got it home yesterday, I used Hoppe's to clean all of the storage oil off of it, I then lubed it normally. I hand-racked a magazine full of dummy rounds through it. They went through OK, but I really had to yank hard on the slide.
I took ti to the range today. I loaded two rounds of 124 gr. Gold Dots in it and racked the slide. Again, it was hard to rack. Aimed at the target, pulled the trigger through its DAO stroke, and....Click!. No Bang! As I found out later, the rim of the round did not slip under the extractor, and when the slide went forward, it really jammed up. Neither I nor anyone at the range (in a gunshop) could get the slide open.
I took it mack to the gun shop where I bought it. They (owner and help and gunsmith) worked 15 minutes on it, and finally got it open. They gave me full gredit for it, and I added a couple of bills and got a GLock 26. Operates just like my G17 and G19. About the same size as the P11, maybe not wuite as thin.
I then came home and called up the two holster makers I had ordered from yesterday, and changed my order.
Somebody throw a bucket of water on me if I ever consider getting a KelTec again!!