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New member
I have been reading alot about the keltec p-32 and have seen awesome reviews of it. I am looking for something i can carry in a pocket or holster without worrying about anyone seeing it. I live in MD and i am not a cop. therefore i cannot get a concealed carry permit. I am moving to NC where i will be able to carry legally. When i get to NC i will carry my sig2340. But for the 6 more months i am here in MD i am looking for a small carry weapon. First off, do u think carrying illegally is wise? and 2) do u think a keltec 32 is a good choice ?

TIM : )
Please do yourself a favor and all respectable gun owners a favor. Please do not carry illegally. Gun owners have enough trouble maintaining a good reputation without people carrying illegally. I live in a state where carry with a permit is legal. I also know that if you are caught it is a fellony and because of increasing mandatory sentencing you will serve time. Also, if you have a record you will never be able to buy a gun or apply for a permit ever again. I urge you to be a responsible gun owner. Obey the laws, please do not give the liberal anti-gun owners something to point at.
Do not carry illegally unless you reasonably fear for your life and cannot avoid the situation; then do what you must and the hell with the socialists of Maryland. If you need to conceal, there is no more concealable handgun than the Kel-Tec P-32.

First: I don't condone breaking the law, I condone challenging it because it's unconstitutional.

Second: I own a Kel-Tec P-32 and am quite impressed with it although I have only put a few hundred rounds through it. The P-32 conceals so well that owning one makes you wonder who else is carrying one.

Carrying illegally is not something that appeals to me. I have a clean record and can purchase handguns without a problem. I have no reason to fear for my life more than any other MD citizen. Only that I lost my leg in 1994 and cannot defend myself or be as mobile as every other MD citizen. I think special permits should be issued to people that are more defensless than your ordinary joe. Im 6ft 3 225lbs and can walk just fine. But i do fear that if someone was to threaten my life i would be a "sittin duck"

Put yourself in my position. Tell me honestly what you think.

TIM : )
I have to agree with the others. Carrying concealed should be considered a right, but some states don't see it that way. I got some stern replies on another forum recently when I posted about going to Chicago armed. I can't help but think the majority is right in this case. Can you use an alternitive weapon such as a cane or some mace? I carry a folding knife with me all the time. Is there such an option for you? I also agree with the others about the P-32. I am only 5'4" and smallish and can conceal one easily. It has turned out to be a great little pistol. Steve

You can never have too much ammo!---- Me (being a role model to my 5 year old)
I guess all i can do is wait until i move to NC where the right to carry is legal. The way it should be !

Or take the risk to myself and to the reputation of the carrying world.

TIM : )
You say that you have a "clean" record and can buy guns legally. Well, if you get caught carrying concealed "illegally", then you'll never be able to by legally again.
i personally don't think it's worth the risk. You apparently haven't been carrying, so ask yourself, "has anything changed so much that I can't wait 6 months instead of breaking the law?".
There are various alternatives as mentioned above. Consider these and good luck with your decision.

Knee deep in brass, still shootin fast!
I am of opinion that, by prohibiting effective self-defense, the "authorities"have broken the social contract and thus deserve as much respect and consideration as their Communist counterparts. The only reason to follow the law would be fear of consequences. For my taste, if the consequences of being found armed are so severe that I can't deal with them, then I would 1)move immediately or 2)carry anyway and treat every venture out as an undercover sortie. Nerve-wrecking, but so is any resistance activity.

In your case, with retreat unavailable, I would go armed. Make sure that you conceal effectively and that the gun appears only when absolutely needed to save your life. You might want to try carrying a gun-sized legal object to test your ability to hide it and to learn spotting factors that would allow someone to "make" you.

My opinion only...and it is possible, though not likely, that you may take the lumps for it. Think ahead of time of damage control if "made" or challenged or attacked.

I also come from a place where some law-abiding relatives got made into soap and lamp-shades. That makes me approve of violating immoral laws and of eliminating their authors and enforces whenever practical (which ist seldom is in the current situation). But remember that both Soviets and Nazies and all other nasties had overstated their detection and enforcement capabilities to make their subjects behave...and line up quietly in front of .30 ball.

Cornered Rat RKBA posters Portrait, nature photos
I understand all of the points made here. and i have carried in the past especially into Balto. City at night when i was doing computer service and was on call 24Hrs.

I applied for a CC permit because i was the owner of the company and carried money and worked 24 hrs a in MD you must be approved and have a "good and substantial" reason to carry and prove that to the state police. The cost is $170 and must have witnesses and notorization. The state really makes you go through alot of headaches to get a permit. I never followed through with the application because i quit the business and got a job with a large company. Just because i changed jobs does not make me any less at risk. I cant run and that worries me. When you see footage of robberies or shootings you see people running for their lives. I cant do that and that concerns me.

It seems all i can do is keep obeying the law and wait until i can carry legally. I definatly dont want to take the risk of getting cought carrying illeaglly.

Life will be grand in the south.

TIM : )
I have a carry permit, but even then there are many public buildings, your workplace, etc. that do not allow firearms. This creates a real delemma for anyone wishing to carry a handgun, because, you may not even be aware that a place you are entering has a no-firearms rule.

The best bet is to make dam* sure no one can see or strongly suspect that you are carrying. That's why I carry a Taurus TI multi-alloy revolver(38spec+P), as it conceals well and has some punch. I am waiting to buy a P32 also however, whenever the dealer gets it in, as a second pocket gun.
It seems all i can do is keep obeying the law and wait until i can carry legally.

Given who might be reading TFL, I would certainly not anounce to the world what you are up to. I have a friend, locally, who took upon himself to be an armed guard at public events at his church (they received threats) for years, sans any permits. He could either do that or talk about it ONCE and no longer be able to do the job. He has a CHL now and that does nelp...

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited November 04, 1999).]
The answer is, unlike martin, I believe that for the good of GUN OWNERS, you should carry illegally because the law is unconst. and needs to be challenged at every opportunity. BUT, if I were you, I would worry more about Jerky than I would about other gun owners and therefore would not do so because of the stiff penalties (possible lifetime ban of gun ownership), unless of course you live/work in an extremely high crime rate area, and truly believe you will more likely than not need to protect your life, and carrying is worth the risk of getting caught (which risk I cannot asses for you).

Oh yeah, I want a P32, too - with a Null's "Pocket Scabbard".
I too feel that restrictions that prohibit our constitutional right to bear arms are wrong. And, they are certainly not in the spirit originally intended by our fore fathers. But, breaking these laws is not an effective way to fight these laws. In fact, illegal activity reduces crediblilty. Credibility is essential for appropriately fighting these unconstitutional laws. Politicians like anybody, make generalizations about people groups. If we as a group of gun owners are seen as irresponsibe (i.e. by breaking laws) than we will certainly not be making any strides in reclaiming our constitutional rights. Please attempt to change laws with integrity and responsibility. Write you representatives, your senators and your govenor. Start petitions, educate the public, teach awareness and the value of concealed carry. Remember that this country is for the people, of the people and by the people. In other words YOU ARE THE GOVERNMENT. Speak Up!
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