Keltec & Grendel


New member
Is it just me or does anyone else notice a lot of similarities between the Grendel and the Keltec. What happened to the Grendel? I know that they didn't exactly make the finest quality firearms. I bought one years ago before I knew much about guns. It was a 380 that held 12 rounds in the magazine. It was fairly compact except for the huge squared trigger guard. Double action only just like the Keltec. I remember asking one time at a gun show if they were related and I was told no. But they sure are a lot alike.
Same person designed both guns.

I owned a grendel when they first came out and It didnot work, The kel-tec P-11 does work very good.

my Grendel P-10 worked just fine. All I ever put through it were ball and Silvertips, and they both fed with good reliability. Stoppages were extremely rare, only occurring if the gun was extremely dirty.

I toted it as a backup and carried it when I worked third shift in a convenience store, with one M-16 stripper clip of reloads and the little reloading doodad in my pocket.

It wasn't a high income time of my life, and although I owned it concurrently with my Model 13 at first and later my 659, those guns were sometimes too big to carry and an affordable, concealable 10-shot .380 fit the bill of what I needed nicely.
I had a Grendal P-10 which worked as well as I expected it to. Never jammed on me, but it was not the most accurate gun I've ver owned, but I didn't expect it to be with that short barrel. Two things I didn't like about it were the trigger pull which can only be described as brutally heavy, and the fact that is was a real pain to unload. Now that they have removable magazines that's not a problem anymore.