Kel-Tec good as the P11?


New member
I am REALLY happy with my Kel-Tec P11.

I am woundering if people are just as happy with their P40's?

Are they just as reliable and durable and all that, or do they have problems?

I have fired +P+ 9mm from my P11 and recoil is no problem at all, so I have no fear of the P40 in that regard.
I was just wondering if it is a lemon, since I hear so little about it.

I bought a P11 a few months ago. It works reliably and I'm happy with it. I bought a P40 more recently. It appears nearly identical and weighs the same on my digital scale (it was supposed to be a couple of ounces heavier I thought). Anyway, I've only tried it once, and it jammed frequently (about every third shot). Rounds would fail to fully chamber until I pulled the slide back and released it again. This was with two brands of FMJ ammo. I think polishing the feed ramp will probably fix the problem, although I've also heard that some magazines cause this. At any rate, I plan to send in the slide and barrel for the hard chrome upgrade, so I'm not going to worry about it until I get the chromed ones. I'm still glad I got the P40, and plan to use it as my backpacking pistol. I'm confident I'll get it working reliably. I didn't think the recoil was bad compared to the 9mm.

I had a similar problem with a P32. The slide locked after firing without contacting the new round to be chambered. This sometimes happened after every shot, sometimes the weapon functioned OK for three to seven rounds and then hung up. I tried four different types of ammo and two new magazines to no avail. Then Home Defense Arms, here in LA (lower Alabama) checked it out and found the problem to beh the slide stop/ejector.

If the protrusion that is activated by contact with the magazine follower is just a tad too long, it may prematurely actuate the slide stop. With just a light filing of the protrusion/tab the P32 functions wonderfully, now.

If any questions, JC at HDA would probably be happy to converse. HDA is at

Lots of luck